Ruma Kakapo Newsletter
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
I hope that you and your child had a nice relaxing Easter break, and that they are re-charged for a new term of learning.
This term we will be learning about Waimate through the inquiry process. The topic is My community Waimate – what does it mean to be a member of the Waimate community? We will be looking at what kind of services and community organisations there are in Waimate, and what clubs the children are part of. This fits into our Big Idea ‘Identity’ this year.
Our little Kakapo soft toy has been on holiday with me. He goes home with a different child each day. We now have a book to record Kakabro’s adventures, and a Kakapo book to read to/with him. I hope your child enjoys their time with Kakabro when it is their turn. Watch this space for Kakabro's adventures.