Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mrs Rehmanns toy car

Today Mrs Rehmann brought her toy doctors car to school. It can go to crashes but not real crashes because it is a toy car. It is pretty cool! It has a doctor inside it. The doctor has a white top with black pants. The car comes with some signs too. It is big but not really big. It has a siren on it and it has some spare parts. It is kept in a box. The roof comes off it too. It says notarz on the side. It is white and it is made out of plastic.

Bob the builder

Ollie has a Bob the builder soft toy to share with the class. His granny knited it. There are two tools that can come out. And he has a hat it is yellow. And also a orange and yollew sweater. Also four tools that are a hemer scrwer diver and a rope all of his tools are in his tool belt.


Ollie's toy is Bob the Builder. Bob has got a belt with all tool's and got a helmet on his head. He is soft and cuddly and you can pull out the nail out of his belt. Ollie's nana knitted out of wool. Bob's got a yellow sweater. Ollie's toy ROCKS!

David's Mum's Bunny

David's Mum brought a pink and white toy bunny to school. The pink really stands out. Bunnys really fluffy. It's a medium bunny. It has got little eyes and one little nose. It is cute and cuddly. It's really old looking. Its ears are really big.

David's panda

David brought his Mum's old squishy toy panda to school. It is black and white and dusty. Some off the fluff has came off. It's tongue pokes out. It has black around its eyes orange. It is rough on the fur. My favourite part about the panda is because he is tall and long and because it makes him look cute.

Mrs Rehmanns car

Mrs Rehmann brought an ambulance car to school. Its top can come off as well as the ambulance. It's white. It has a person. It has lots of bits. It has a front bumper and has a siren. It has a steering wheel. It has a couple of chairs. The wheels on the car spin around.

Ollies toy

Ollie brought his toy bob the builder to school. It is yellow, skin colour, blue, orange, brown and black. It is knitted. It feels kind of rough and it doesn't make any sounds. Ollie said his great grandma knitted Bob. He has a tool belt with knitted tools in it. The tools can come out. It also has a yellow knitted hat and a blue and orange jersey.