Mow mow
Playing snap with the cat.
Moo moo
Cows bursting for food.
Woof woof
Dogs barking at night.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Batman , the hero of the night (part1)
BANG! a robber shot a volt of money. He grabbed two bags of money and ran down a stair case. Suddenly he bumped into Batman!
"End of the line" said batman. Batman grabbed the robbers throat and pushed him into a box of metal. Meanwhile joker was planning a jail break.
"mr.coppy my food"said joker. He secretly had his zapper on his hand.
"thank you"said joker. Joker shoke the guards hand ZZAPP! The guard was dead. Joker reached down into the guards pocket through the bars and grabbed the key. He grabbed the key and unlocked the door. WEEEOOOO WEOO WEEO! The alarm went off joker looked at the stair case ten guards were coming up. Joker pulled out a phone and called his goons to pull a matress under the fifth floor of arkam jails windows. The cops were only a few steps away. Joker made his move and jumped out the window.
"hey where did he go" said a guard. joker landed on the matress. He got in his helicopter and the goons flew it away. To be continued ..............
"End of the line" said batman. Batman grabbed the robbers throat and pushed him into a box of metal. Meanwhile joker was planning a jail break.
"mr.coppy my food"said joker. He secretly had his zapper on his hand.
"thank you"said joker. Joker shoke the guards hand ZZAPP! The guard was dead. Joker reached down into the guards pocket through the bars and grabbed the key. He grabbed the key and unlocked the door. WEEEOOOO WEOO WEEO! The alarm went off joker looked at the stair case ten guards were coming up. Joker pulled out a phone and called his goons to pull a matress under the fifth floor of arkam jails windows. The cops were only a few steps away. Joker made his move and jumped out the window.
"hey where did he go" said a guard. joker landed on the matress. He got in his helicopter and the goons flew it away. To be continued ..............
sounds of computers
Beep beep boop-beep beep boop,
Beep beep boop-beep beep boop.
Loading up the internet.
Oohh when the lights go out how are you going to find your way.
Listening to songs on youtube.
Hi there i'll help you learn how to play.
Playing on facebook games.
Clickity click-clickity click,
Clickity click-clickity click.
The mouse clicking.
Tipity tap Tipity tap-Tipity tap tipity tap,
Tipity tap tipity tap-tipity tap tipity tap.
The buttons tapping.
Smash crack bang-smash crack bang,
Smash crack bang- smash crack bang.
The computer fell off the desk,
"Oh ow where in trouble!'
"whats happening kids?"
"nothing mum but he broke your computer".
Beep beep boop-beep beep boop.
Loading up the internet.
Oohh when the lights go out how are you going to find your way.
Listening to songs on youtube.
Hi there i'll help you learn how to play.
Playing on facebook games.
Clickity click-clickity click,
Clickity click-clickity click.
The mouse clicking.
Tipity tap Tipity tap-Tipity tap tipity tap,
Tipity tap tipity tap-tipity tap tipity tap.
The buttons tapping.
Smash crack bang-smash crack bang,
Smash crack bang- smash crack bang.
The computer fell off the desk,
"Oh ow where in trouble!'
"whats happening kids?"
"nothing mum but he broke your computer".
Guns are shooting
bang bang bang
people are screaming aaaa save us.
The enemy is sprinting fast
boom boom boom
bombs are exploding
army expertsare yelling thier heads
off! the wind is rushing by
whosh whosh goes the wind it is loud
Guns are making a enormous
noise BANG!.
bang bang bang
people are screaming aaaa save us.
The enemy is sprinting fast
boom boom boom
bombs are exploding
army expertsare yelling thier heads
off! the wind is rushing by
whosh whosh goes the wind it is loud
Guns are making a enormous
noise BANG!.
Siwmming pool
Ahhhhhhhh. Childen playing & splashing in the pool splash splash
Hellow hi by seeyou childens mums talking
Ahhhhhhhh screming for fun
SPLASH jumping in the pool
HELP ME having fun and hiting people with the noodles
Hellow hi by seeyou childens mums talking
Ahhhhhhhh screming for fun
SPLASH jumping in the pool
HELP ME having fun and hiting people with the noodles
Splash - splash
Splash - splash
Rocks are landing on the sandy floor.
Crash - crash
Crash - crash
Waves are ruffling against me.
Aaa -oww
Aaa - oww
I am getting sunburnt.
Of the children squealing.
Pitter - patter
Pitter -patter
Of people walking on the sand.
Mmmm - mmmm
Yum - yum
People having a picnic.
People having a picnic.
Splash - splash
Rocks are landing on the sandy floor.
Crash - crash
Crash - crash
Waves are ruffling against me.
Aaa -oww
Aaa - oww
I am getting sunburnt.
Of the children squealing.
Pitter - patter
Pitter -patter
Of people walking on the sand.
Mmmm - mmmm
Yum - yum
People having a picnic.
People having a picnic.
Woof-Woof Bark Grrrr!
Dogs barking at the cat.
Cows mooing for food.
Buck-Buck Buckack
Buckack we want food.
Baa-Baa Baa
Baa sheep bored in the baarnyaard
Quack Fluffy is having fun
Dogs barking at the cat.
Cows mooing for food.
Buck-Buck Buckack
Buckack we want food.
Baa-Baa Baa
Baa sheep bored in the baarnyaard
Quack Fluffy is having fun
Sssssounds of the swimming pool.
"This is so much fun-lets stay here'.
Kids playing in the busy pool.
The water being splashed around.
Teeth chattering from the people that are cold.
Hitting your head on the wall coming back from backstroke.
The swimming coach telling you to be quiet.
'Come here
Don't do that'
Kids not listening.
Kids playing in the busy pool.
The water being splashed around.
Teeth chattering from the people that are cold.
Hitting your head on the wall coming back from backstroke.
The swimming coach telling you to be quiet.
'Come here
Don't do that'
Kids not listening.
sssounds of the ice age
crrrra-ack crack
The ice snapping apart
BOOM! (shudder) BOOM!
Mammoths walking around
whiirr wirrr wihrrh!
The blizzard howling and swizzing
roar roarr ROAR!
The sabers roaring
naarrgh! naah yaaaa!
Hunters killing animals
ekk eek squeak eeka!
buck-tooth squirrels squeking and scattering around
by Hayden Rae
The ice snapping apart
BOOM! (shudder) BOOM!
Mammoths walking around
whiirr wirrr wihrrh!
The blizzard howling and swizzing
roar roarr ROAR!
The sabers roaring
naarrgh! naah yaaaa!
Hunters killing animals
ekk eek squeak eeka!
buck-tooth squirrels squeking and scattering around
by Hayden Rae
Ssssounds of a swimming pool
Children splashing people.
woosh splash
woosh splash
The noise of boling waves
people's hands are stinging
The children making waves
The teacher giving instructions
aaaahhhh ah
aaaahhhh ah
kids floating round the pool
Children splashing people.
woosh splash
woosh splash
The noise of boling waves
people's hands are stinging
The children making waves
The teacher giving instructions
aaaahhhh ah
aaaahhhh ah
kids floating round the pool
The Ocean
Prisss Prisss
The water splashing on the rocks
You can hear the seals going
()() ()()
When you are walking along the beach you can hear
Thump thump thump
Crawling along the sand
Chook chook
The birds had babies
The water splashing on the rocks
You can hear the seals going
()() ()()
When you are walking along the beach you can hear
Thump thump thump
Crawling along the sand
Chook chook
The birds had babies
Sssssounds of Dinosaurs.
Banggg bommmm
Dinosaurs stomping on the ground
Banggg splaterrrr
Trees breaking
Chomp chomp
Dinosaurs eating
Chinggg chingg
Dinosaurs having a fight
Dinosaurs getting shot
bangg shiverrr
Dinosaurs having a lie down.
Dinosaurs stomping on the ground
Banggg splaterrrr
Trees breaking
Chomp chomp
Dinosaurs eating
Chinggg chingg
Dinosaurs having a fight
Dinosaurs getting shot
bangg shiverrr
Dinosaurs having a lie down.
Cows mooving for food everyday.
Baa the sheep a having fun
in the baaarnyard.
Barkack went the chinken
he wats food.
Quack fluffy is having
fun in her swimming pool.
Woof-woof back grrr!
dogs barking at a cat.
Cows mooving for food everyday.
Baa the sheep a having fun
in the baaarnyard.
Barkack went the chinken
he wats food.
Quack fluffy is having
fun in her swimming pool.
Woof-woof back grrr!
dogs barking at a cat.
Ssssounds of the baech
Crash boom bang-crash boom bang
Waves crash against the soft smooth sand.
Sprinkle sprinkle-sprinkle sprinkle
Whales blow hole bursting.
Splot splot-splat splat
Sunscrean getting splotted on everybodys backs.
Ha ha-ha ha-ha
People laughing at thier friends jokes.
Jump splash- jump splash
People jumping into massive waves.
In out-in out
waves coming in and out children sprinting in and out.
Waves crash against the soft smooth sand.
Sprinkle sprinkle-sprinkle sprinkle
Whales blow hole bursting.
Splot splot-splat splat
Sunscrean getting splotted on everybodys backs.
Ha ha-ha ha-ha
People laughing at thier friends jokes.
Jump splash- jump splash
People jumping into massive waves.
In out-in out
waves coming in and out children sprinting in and out.
Waves crashing in to the sunny hot beash.
Rooks daging together on on the sunny hot beash.
People doing boogieing on the sunny hot beach.
Waves crashing in to the sunny hot beash.
Rooks daging together on on the sunny hot beash.
People doing boogieing on the sunny hot beach.
Woof-Woof Bark Grrrrr
Dogs barking at the cat.
Dogs barking at the cat.
Ocean fun
whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh
waves crashing down.
Hooo hooo hooo hooo
wind howling.
Screeh screeh screeh screeh
seabird squealing.
Bbboo bbboo bbboo bbboo
sounds of fish jumping
Clatter bang clatter bang
rocks falling on the ocean floor
Honk honk honk honk
boats on the water
waves crashing down.
Hooo hooo hooo hooo
wind howling.
Screeh screeh screeh screeh
seabird squealing.
Bbboo bbboo bbboo bbboo
sounds of fish jumping
Clatter bang clatter bang
rocks falling on the ocean floor
Honk honk honk honk
boats on the water
Thursday, November 25, 2010
When Christmas hits.
When Christmas hits New Zealand I'll go bye bye to Auckland for Christmas with my daddy.When Christmas comes Catherine will......
go to Australia to see my gorilla Chris and cathy
go to Australia to see my gorilla Chris and cathy
Mr Banana head and scuffy
One sunny day there was a person who was called Mr Banana head.
He had a dog called scuffy. He was a handful he jumped up and
eat aofny think on the floor. One day Mr Banana head decided to
take scuffy out for a walk on the beach. When they got to the
pond scuffy so some ducks scuffy pulled on the lead and got
away and chased the ducks. Mr Banana head chased scuffy
after scuffy but he could not get him. He was to fast.
After scuffy chased the ducks he ran away some where
Mr Banana head looked for scuffy Mr Banana head
triped on a stick and landed in dog poo. It was all
sticky. Then he got up and wiped it of and looked
for scuffy. Then he found him in a rubbish
pack eating food. Then Mr Banana head toke
scuffy home
The End
By Laney
He had a dog called scuffy. He was a handful he jumped up and
eat aofny think on the floor. One day Mr Banana head decided to
take scuffy out for a walk on the beach. When they got to the
pond scuffy so some ducks scuffy pulled on the lead and got
away and chased the ducks. Mr Banana head chased scuffy
after scuffy but he could not get him. He was to fast.
After scuffy chased the ducks he ran away some where
Mr Banana head looked for scuffy Mr Banana head
triped on a stick and landed in dog poo. It was all
sticky. Then he got up and wiped it of and looked
for scuffy. Then he found him in a rubbish
pack eating food. Then Mr Banana head toke
scuffy home
The End
By Laney
whats happening at christmas
On the 25 of December it is Christmas 12 of my cousins , Nana's and grandads are coming to my house. we will play rugby and soccer and cricket it will be fun then we will have food it will be really exciting .
how a book works
A book is what you read with and it has a title and you open the book and you tern pages and same have pictures so you can look at it. A lots of people read books.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Hannah the platypus and the cereal box monster
Hannah the platypus was minding her own business one quiet afternoon shopping in the supermarket isle 12, where the cereal was. She grabbed a huge box of plum muesli her favourite cereal.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a cereal box monster” she screamed.
“Grrrrr” he grumbled “I am going to eat you all” Suddenly it started to snow. Everyone escaped apart from Hannah. How do I get out? Hannah asked herself. If the door is snowed in and the windows are too I’m going to have to wait for the snow to stop!
So they chased each other around and around until Hannah ate the cereal box monster made of muesli and then she unfortunately exploded!!!!!!
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a cereal box monster” she screamed.
“Grrrrr” he grumbled “I am going to eat you all” Suddenly it started to snow. Everyone escaped apart from Hannah. How do I get out? Hannah asked herself. If the door is snowed in and the windows are too I’m going to have to wait for the snow to stop!
So they chased each other around and around until Hannah ate the cereal box monster made of muesli and then she unfortunately exploded!!!!!!
It was midnight in front of the queens Palace when BOOM! A Decepticon landed it was Devastator.
He stood up and screamed Diesicologaminosi.
Optimis was chatting to ratchet in the London city center
When crash a decepticon was standing in the smoke
And then the smoke went away there was now one
In sight ratchet duck says Optimis whoa says ratchet
Optimis prime jumps on to the decepticon and got
His heat sword and stabbed it through him hooray
For ratchet and Optimis prime says the town’s folk.
LETS GO CELEBRATE IN THE BAR says a tall man with a black hat and a long black jacket Hooray hooray
He says. .THE END.
He stood up and screamed Diesicologaminosi.
Optimis was chatting to ratchet in the London city center
When crash a decepticon was standing in the smoke
And then the smoke went away there was now one
In sight ratchet duck says Optimis whoa says ratchet
Optimis prime jumps on to the decepticon and got
His heat sword and stabbed it through him hooray
For ratchet and Optimis prime says the town’s folk.
LETS GO CELEBRATE IN THE BAR says a tall man with a black hat and a long black jacket Hooray hooray
He says. .THE END.
waimate 50
On Saturday Dad and my brother aIl went to the waimate 50 hill climb. Dad and Thomas and I wore selling sausages and fizzes my dad gave my brother some money and we bought a drink and then we which the cars. A blue car went so fast and a rook hit me in the eye and the chest then my eye was so saw. Then I went home and played on the ps2 the game was could Destruction Durby it was fun . from Brandon.
It was a sunny sunny side in the country side. “Once again there is no egg” Chloe exclaimed she had been having some trouble with her hens they hadn’t been laying. So she thought they might not like there food so she changed their diet but they still would not lay so she gave up and said” they don’t wont to lay I don’t wont to feed them. Then they got extremely hungry and they still did not lay so she didn’t feed them for two weeks it had been three weeks and Chloe hadn’t feed them three and a half weeks flew by when the hens started to lay again so Chloe started to feed them again. She got that many eggs they wouldn’t fit in her egg bowl then the amount got littler and littler till she got no eggs at all she got so angry that she chopped there heads off. Then her kids wanted more chickens and Chloe shouted”no”but they kept nagging so in the end she gave in and they got four more chickens and named them :rocky(rooster),bock bock,kakasis and leah.theywere so happy because they kept laying and they did not have to chop anymore heads off or get anymore chickens, Chloe’s hair is brown with copper streaks in it she is really tall and pretty and always wearing a dress and tights or skirt and tights with a sparkly top.
It was a sunny sunny side in the country side. “Once again there is no egg” Chloe exclaimed she had been having some trouble with her hens they hadn’t been laying. So she thought they might not like there food so she changed their diet but they still would not lay so she gave up and said” they don’t wont to lay I don’t wont to feed them. Then they got extremely hungry and they still did not lay so she didn’t feed them for two weeks it had been three weeks and Chloe hadn’t feed them three and a half weeks flew by when the hens started to lay again so Chloe started to feed them again. She got that many eggs they wouldn’t fit in her egg bowl then the amount got littler and littler till she got no eggs at all she got so angry that she chopped there heads off. Then her kids wanted more chickens and Chloe shouted”no”but they kept nagging so in the end she gave in and they got four more chickens and named them :rocky(rooster),bock bock,kakasis and leah.theywere so happy because they kept laying and they did not have to chop anymore heads off or get anymore chickens, Chloe’s hair is brown with copper streaks in it she is really tall and pretty and always wearing a dress and tights or skirt and tights with a sparkly top.
The teacher
A Teacher
A teacher is a person who teaches people. There can be any types teaches a gym teacher and a swimming teacher and all another teaches. A teacher is a person who help people. A teacher can be a man or a women . Most teachers write on a whiteboard and give you work. Most teachers work in a school.
By Laney
A teacher is a person who teaches people. There can be any types teaches a gym teacher and a swimming teacher and all another teaches. A teacher is a person who help people. A teacher can be a man or a women . Most teachers write on a whiteboard and give you work. Most teachers work in a school.
By Laney
The Teacher
The Teacher
A teacher is a person who always helps you with your work. Most teachers will explain thing if they are hard or to show people how to do it. Every teacher will go o a course. A teacher works in a school or a kindy.
A teacher is a person who always helps you with your work. Most teachers will explain thing if they are hard or to show people how to do it. Every teacher will go o a course. A teacher works in a school or a kindy.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
The BIG one!!
I fell out of bed straight away!!! I thought I was dreaming for a start. My bed was shaking very strongly.I turned on my lamp and I had no idea what was happening.
Suddenly Mum came in during an aftershock.
“Are you all right?”, she asked.
“Yes”, I said sleepily.
I went and got into bed with Mum and Dad. The lights were still shaking! Mum turned on the radio.
It said that an earthquake had struck very badly in Christchurch. On the Richter scale it was a magnitude of 7.4. My Dad said that we only got the ripple of the earthquake because it was badly struck in Christchurch.
I couldn’t get to sleep for quite a while. I was still shaking the next day.
Suddenly Mum came in during an aftershock.
“Are you all right?”, she asked.
“Yes”, I said sleepily.
I went and got into bed with Mum and Dad. The lights were still shaking! Mum turned on the radio.
It said that an earthquake had struck very badly in Christchurch. On the Richter scale it was a magnitude of 7.4. My Dad said that we only got the ripple of the earthquake because it was badly struck in Christchurch.
I couldn’t get to sleep for quite a while. I was still shaking the next day.
I woke up in shock at 4 o'clock in the morning. My little sister Margaret was snoring her head off!
She decided to scream and cry at the same time, crying EARTHQUAKE! I was very very very tired afterwards because Jaden and I played the playstation all night .
She decided to scream and cry at the same time, crying EARTHQUAKE! I was very very very tired afterwards because Jaden and I played the playstation all night .
the parade
I like the class costumes because they are all different except for Pippi Longstocking, and there are objects like a skateboard.
the parade
My name is Max out of warriors go to war. I am wearing
a helmet, shorts and war jandals and a sword. I am of a movie
called 'Warriors go to war 2'.
a helmet, shorts and war jandals and a sword. I am of a movie
called 'Warriors go to war 2'.

Hello! I am dressed up as Pippi Longstocking.
I'm wearing a red stripy dress, my hair in curly plaits and long stockings.
I used wire to curl my hair up and out.
I woke up with a shock. In a split second Mum said:
"It is an earthquake".
My room was shaking and creaking. I was scared. I was
going to go somewhere safe but I did't know how bad it
going to go somewhere safe but I did't know how bad it
was going to get. At first I thought it was a big truck on
the road but it wasn't.
After that I got back to sleep.
After that I got back to sleep.
I woke up with a jolly good fright. I thought my bed was jelly. My bedroom door was opening and closing really fast. I couldn’t get to sleep at all. All of my medals fell onto the chair lounge. It gave me a really big fright.
I woke up with a jolly good fright. I thought my bed was jelly. My bedroom door was opening and closing really fast. I couldn’t get to sleep at all. All of my medals fell onto the chair lounge. It gave me a really big fright.
The earthquake story Hannah
I woke up with a jump. I fell out of bed. I tried to stand up but I just fell on my bed. I only woke up to the last five seconds of the earthquake. It was the first time that I have ever felt an earthquake so it was a very scary experience for me.
When the earthquake was happening I stayed in my bed because I thought it was wind and rain smashing against my wall and window but it wasn’t.
When the earthquake had stopped I raced to my Mum and Dad’s room where my sisters and Mum and Dad were standing.
Mum said “That was the biggest earthquake I have ever felt." She said that because she always wakes up to the small earthquakes but this was not a small earthquake, and everyone felt it. Although it was scary it was quite cool to feel the first earthquake I have ever felt.
Book character parade
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The earthquake
I woke up with a jolly good fright. I thought my bed was jelly. I went into the hallway, and Vince shouted "EARTHQUAKE". I felt 13 after shocks. Later on my family fell asleep.
Friday, August 20, 2010
When I grow up
When I grow up I would like to be a doctor so I can learn more about body parts. I can help people.
What I want to be .....
I want to be a vet because it hopefully will be fun, and I get to save animals and play with animals for exercise. Helping animals sounds fun .That's what I want to be when grow up .
When I grow-up
I want to be a surgeon when I grow-up, so I can help my family and people.
When i grow up i what to be a stuntman
so i can steal the show. then i will
become popular and i will have
my own video game. hopefully
i have fans that like what i do .
mum likes the idea. mum said
go for it. my dream is just around
the corner. If i can't be a stuntman
i'm going to be a wrestler and im'going
to win the world heavy weight championship.
so i can steal the show. then i will
become popular and i will have
my own video game. hopefully
i have fans that like what i do .
mum likes the idea. mum said
go for it. my dream is just around
the corner. If i can't be a stuntman
i'm going to be a wrestler and im'going
to win the world heavy weight championship.
When I grow up.......
When I grow up
When I grow up
I would like to be a
vet because you get
to take care of sick
animals.It would be a good
job for me.You might be famous
if you're a good vet.
I would like to be a
vet because you get
to take care of sick
animals.It would be a good
job for me.You might be famous
if you're a good vet.
Why I want to be a police man
When I grow up I want to be a policeman because you get to speed, go through red lights, get people in to jail for a wee while. You can help people and have weapons.
When I grow up I want to be a surgeon because I'd love to find out about the inside of the body and the instruments that they use.
The reason I want to be a surgeon is so so I can help lots of people.
Working in a hospital would be pretty cool!!!
That's why I want to be a surgeon
The reason I want to be a surgeon is so so I can help lots of people.
Working in a hospital would be pretty cool!!!
That's why I want to be a surgeon
Why I want to be a rock star
When I am a big boy I would like to be a rock star because you get to travel around the world!
I would like to go on stage and perform a mint song. I maybe will also meet some awesome famous people. My brother is going to be a hard out rock star too. Matt and I have been practising. That's why I think it's a good opportunity to be a rock star.
I would like to go on stage and perform a mint song. I maybe will also meet some awesome famous people. My brother is going to be a hard out rock star too. Matt and I have been practising. That's why I think it's a good opportunity to be a rock star.
What I want to be ............
When I grow up i want to be a farmer because I love helping animals and driving tractors and motor bikes. My Uncle,Grandad and Nana all live on a farm that's why I want to be a farmer.I just love the country because I can go hunting when ever I want and I also like the fresh country air.So as you can see I would love to be a farmer not a towny.
Street Racer
When I grow up I would I like to be are street racer
because you win lots of money and buy cool parts
to put on your car. Then your cool car is ready
to race people. Good luck.
because you win lots of money and buy cool parts
to put on your car. Then your cool car is ready
to race people. Good luck.
Alex' 'When I grow up' story
When I grow up I want to be a skater plus as famous as Tony Hawk, and don't forget I want to have fun. If I get as famous as Tony I'll have my hobby as a job. I'll get sponsored to get rich.
I hope I can be as good as Mike Valley, Rodney Mullen, Bob Burnquist plus Bam Magera, and Ryan Shekler.
I hope I can be as good as Mike Valley, Rodney Mullen, Bob Burnquist plus Bam Magera, and Ryan Shekler.
When I grow up I would to be a chef because I think it's a good opportunity to get out and explore the world. I would help people cook good meals, learn new meals and see new people.
When I grow up I want to be a surgeon because you can learn how to use different tools and strategies. The reason why I want to be a surgeon is because you can become friends with all the different kinds of patients you work on. I also want to be a doctor because if you are stuck at home and have nothing encouraging to do, you can get up and drive off to the hospital and then you have something better to do. The other possible reason why I want to be a doctor is because you can earn lots of money, say if you have children you can earn money to go on happy vacations and buy groceries. I want to be a surgeon because you can learn all the parts of the body and save people's lives.
It would be so exciting to be a doctor or a surgeon!
I want to be a teacher
When I grow up I would like to be a teacher. It would be a great experience. The reason why I decided that I would like to be a teacher is school. School gave me the idea because when you go to school you learn a lot from your teacher. Your teacher and friends help you with a whole lot of things. Everything you learn at school is from your teacher and friends. The best thing about wanting to be a teacher is that you get to meet a lot of new people and because you get to read everybody's work. When I grow up I would love to be a teacher. It would be so exciting.
Friday, August 13, 2010
winter contrasts
Chilly morning chills my bones
Shivering with colds
I'm going to snap in half.
Shivering with colds
I'm going to snap in half.
Sun like fire in my eyes
Beautiful birds singing
In the warm breezeMy machine
My machine is to wake someone up if they fall asleep.
First the man is asleep. He hits his foot on the hand, and the hand points to the bird. The
bird makes the scissors move and drops the pillow on his head. This makes the man wake
This is a simple machine that wakes people up.
First the man is asleep. He hits his foot on the hand, and the hand points to the bird. The
bird makes the scissors move and drops the pillow on his head. This makes the man wake
This is a simple machine that wakes people up.
Hannah's winter poem
In the morning dark clouds cover the sky
Walking to school it looks like rain will fall
Dark clouds like black birds flying across the sky
Sun as bright as my eyes in summer
Everybody loves the fresh air on their skin
Grass wet and sparkling in the sun
Sunlight as bright as fire
Walking to school it looks like rain will fall
Dark clouds like black birds flying across the sky
Sun as bright as my eyes in summer
Everybody loves the fresh air on their skin
Grass wet and sparkling in the sun
Sunlight as bright as fire
Winter Contrasts
No one likes winter
Cold is like a freezer
No hope for any warmth
Wet in my soul
Frozen letter boxes in the morning
Clouds as grey as smoke
Brightness in my eyes
Happy birds flying on a tree
Sunlight as bright as lightning
Cold is like a freezer
No hope for any warmth
Wet in my soul
Frozen letter boxes in the morning
Clouds as grey as smoke
Brightness in my eyes
Happy birds flying on a tree
Sunlight as bright as lightning
Winter Contrasts
All this cold air
In my mouth
My clothes are
Nearly damp
Breeze as chilly
As snow
Now the sun
Has came out
More sunlight today
No more rain
Birds start
To whistle
All this warm air
Flying through my mouth
In my mouth
My clothes are
Nearly damp
Breeze as chilly
As snow
Now the sun
Has came out
More sunlight today
No more rain
Birds start
To whistle
All this warm air
Flying through my mouth
My winter contrast poem
Dark clouds in the sky
you can't see ducks flying
Then you can see the
I thought there was
no hope for sun.
you can't see ducks flying
Then you can see the
I thought there was
no hope for sun.
Dog barking which woke me up
In the morning light
Morning breeze as chilly as cold water in the river that froze me.
Warm day as warm as the winter sun.
In the morning light
Morning breeze as chilly as cold water in the river that froze me.
Warm day as warm as the winter sun.
winter contrasts
Snapping in half
Birds chirping all night long
Bleak depressing.
Cold breeze.
Grey clouds
Warm like a sheep.
Now the sun is out.
Warm as a fire
I can see the sun
I can see snow on the mountains.
I can taste the air.
Birds chirping all night long
Bleak depressing.
Cold breeze.
Grey clouds
Warm like a sheep.
Now the sun is out.
Warm as a fire
I can see the sun
I can see snow on the mountains.
I can taste the air.
Brandon' winter poem
Clouds like a dark storm
Clouds as grey as dust through the air
It feels no good waiting for the sun
It definitely is not very fun
There is no hope for anyone
Sunlight like a torch
Sunlight like a lightning bolt flying though the air
It's cold but I don't care
Clouds as grey as dust through the air
It feels no good waiting for the sun
It definitely is not very fun
There is no hope for anyone
Sunlight like a torch
Sunlight like a lightning bolt flying though the air
It's cold but I don't care
Madison winter contrast poem
Breeze as cold as Antarctica
Breeze as windy as cold weather
Cold as breeze coming down from snow
Breeze as cold as icy lakes
Breeze as chilly as water
Breeze as windy as cold weather
Cold as breeze coming down from snow
Breeze as cold as icy lakes
Breeze as chilly as water
winter contrasts
None likes a cold moning
It's damp on the grass
I hate it when it sunless
I always slip on ice
Wind is all i fell...
I like a sunny day because I hate cold
It also means we can go out to play and lunch
I like playing outside when it's really sunny...
It's damp on the grass
I hate it when it sunless
I always slip on ice
Wind is all i fell...
I like a sunny day because I hate cold
It also means we can go out to play and lunch
I like playing outside when it's really sunny...
Winter Contrast Poem
Dark clouds cover the overcast sky
Dewy with a hint of misty frost
Cold air dampens my arctic skin
Thought it would be very cold and
Cool breeze feels nice on my skin
You can taste the fresh air
Sunlight as bright as a big ball of fire
Birds chirping in my ear
Getting warmer everyday
Dewy with a hint of misty frost
Cold air dampens my arctic skin
Thought it would be very cold and
Cool breeze feels nice on my skin
You can taste the fresh air
Sunlight as bright as a big ball of fire
Birds chirping in my ear
Getting warmer everyday
thomas' winter poem
Annoyed inside I thought
Super freezing cold
Seriously I was going to snap to half
Breeze as chilly as a freezer in your face
Sunlight as bright as lightning in my face
Warm like a fire,
Grass is super dry
Birds are chirping a song.
Super freezing cold
Seriously I was going to snap to half
Breeze as chilly as a freezer in your face
Sunlight as bright as lightning in my face
Warm like a fire,
Grass is super dry
Birds are chirping a song.
winter contrasts
Most people don't like frosty mornings
Peoples teeth chatter to them when its icy cold
Damp wet grass outside
When its wet people have to be careful
Grey clouds cover the sky like a black and white photo
Sunlight as bright as a gold medal
You hear birds chirping in the sun
Sunlight so bright in your eyes
Hear dogs barking in the sun
Sunlight so hot as fire
Peoples teeth chatter to them when its icy cold
Damp wet grass outside
When its wet people have to be careful
Grey clouds cover the sky like a black and white photo
Sunlight as bright as a gold medal
You hear birds chirping in the sun
Sunlight so bright in your eyes
Hear dogs barking in the sun
Sunlight so hot as fire
Ariadne winter poem
Grey clouds covering the sky
It is sad and dark
Scared of the wind
Bleak without the sun
Chilly as snow
It is sad and dark
Scared of the wind
Bleak without the sun
Chilly as snow
....The Sun's Return....
Winter is so cold and
has its ups and downs
but for now the sun will
soon come out.
Well some may be in doubt
thats when
the sun came out.
The glory the glory
the courage the courage
is here to appreciate
the sun's return for we
are happy many else will be
has its ups and downs
but for now the sun will
soon come out.
Well some may be in doubt
thats when
the sun came out.
The glory the glory
the courage the courage
is here to appreciate
the sun's return for we
are happy many else will be
Winter Contrast
Normally it's cold in the morning.
When i get pins and neadles.
The clouds are grey in the morning.
The sun rises up into the air
We are alowed to play in the playground
My favourite thing to do outside
Mveryone likes to play
When i get pins and neadles.
The clouds are grey in the morning.
The sun rises up into the air
We are alowed to play in the playground
My favourite thing to do outside
Mveryone likes to play
Winter Contrasts
Some peoples teeth chatter
when it's icy cold,
Most people don't like frost,
Grey clouds cover the bright blue sky,
when it's icy people have,
to be careful,
sunlight as bright as shining metal,
Glisteng wet grass
You can hear the birds chirping
Happily in the distance
By Katelyn
when it's icy cold,
Most people don't like frost,
Grey clouds cover the bright blue sky,
when it's icy people have,
to be careful,
sunlight as bright as shining metal,
Glisteng wet grass
You can hear the birds chirping
Happily in the distance
By Katelyn
Winter contrast poem
No one likes a splash of winter
Icycles dangling from your door
Clouds as black as a piece of tar
So many frozen cities
Freezing weather
Whispy white clouds I can see
A warm breeze whizzes straight past me
Birds chirping all day long
Sun as bright as a bucket of sand
Animals finally waking up
By Brittney Young
Icycles dangling from your door
Clouds as black as a piece of tar
So many frozen cities
Freezing weather
Whispy white clouds I can see
A warm breeze whizzes straight past me
Birds chirping all day long
Sun as bright as a bucket of sand
Animals finally waking up
By Brittney Young
the winter kings fall
The shivering night fought away the light
I could not see anything bright
If feels no good, waiting for the sun
It touches my skin
The winter thinks it's fun
His little icelings move through the air
Freezes any one they don't care
There is no hope for any one
Until the sun fought and won
The sun shone its nice warm rays
And brought hope to our day
It still has a cool breeze
But that didn't bother me
We all have a nice time
Watching the sun shine
I could not see anything bright
If feels no good, waiting for the sun
It touches my skin
The winter thinks it's fun
His little icelings move through the air
Freezes any one they don't care
There is no hope for any one
Until the sun fought and won
The sun shone its nice warm rays
And brought hope to our day
It still has a cool breeze
But that didn't bother me
We all have a nice time
Watching the sun shine
Alex's winter day poem
Cold and chilly to my bones
Really wet grass outside
Clouds covering the sky
Sounds like birds chirping a song
As cold as a block of ice.
I feel as warm as a cat sitting on the mat.
It's good that the sun is warm
Like ashes from a fire
Really wet grass outside
Clouds covering the sky
Sounds like birds chirping a song
As cold as a block of ice.
I feel as warm as a cat sitting on the mat.
It's good that the sun is warm
Like ashes from a fire
Friday, July 2, 2010
my dream machine
My dream machine is a wonderful robot tiger that can go super fast and it protects my property and it has a chocolate maker. It is in my control. Cool aye what ever you want my tiger gets it for you and also my tiger is awesome. There is a speaker on the side of its head. It s my creation.
My dream machine
my dream machine is a wonderful robot that dtoes your homework every day. So don't worry go o the shop and get it. Only costs $100. Everyday you have to put diesel in it but if you don't he blows up. It has money out of its tummy you have to press a button and out comes a box with money in the box.
my dream machine
My dream machine is a money and toy machine. It has a mind of its own.
It gives you dvds and psps and tapes and xbox and a xbox 360's and psp2 psp3 and a laptop that is like a psp. It has two rubbish tins on each side and you type what you want on the screen. It slides out the slot what you type in and there is a built in speaker. you can type the song in and then they go automatic. It's pink and black and it has a switch and it turns on and off the machine. It goes click clock clanck and clonck when you have typed what you have made. The slot comes out
It gives you dvds and psps and tapes and xbox and a xbox 360's and psp2 psp3 and a laptop that is like a psp. It has two rubbish tins on each side and you type what you want on the screen. It slides out the slot what you type in and there is a built in speaker. you can type the song in and then they go automatic. It's pink and black and it has a switch and it turns on and off the machine. It goes click clock clanck and clonck when you have typed what you have made. The slot comes out
My dream machine
My dream machine is a wonderful robot that does your homework every day. So don't worry
go to the shop and get it only costs $100.Every day you have to put diesel in it but if you don't
he blows up. It has money out of its tummy you have to press a button and out comes a box with
money in the box
go to the shop and get it only costs $100.Every day you have to put diesel in it but if you don't
he blows up. It has money out of its tummy you have to press a button and out comes a box with
money in the box
my dream machine
My dream machine is a wonderful money making machine.
Its an awesome machine it makes ps2s, king size chocolate bars, plus lollies.
Its an awesome machine it makes ps2s, king size chocolate bars, plus lollies.
You an listen to loud music. my dream machine is called crazy contraption.
You don't have to use petriol to drive down to the bank and use money, just make it.
when you make it sounds like clatter clang clatter BANG! the machine is as sparkley as soap
My dream machine
My dream machine has a microphone to talk into when you like to buy fish & chips. The noise sounds like ''clatter, clatter, clatter,clatter,''when you get fish & chips. It only gives it to me and my friend Cathrine. It knows me and Catherine but no one else. The food come from underground. Out of the rabbit door so we can get it out and eat it.
My dream machine
My dream machine can make your bed and can clean your room at the same time. It has six arms-two to make your bed,two to clean your room and two to fold and put away your clean washing.The pulley lifts all of the arm's to where they have to go,and it has gears inside it to make it work and send messages to its robotic brain.It thunders around my room rushing to make my bed and put my clothes away.It says bloop bloop to wake me up in the morning.You can make it go super speedy like a lightning flash that's really fast.BANG!He crashes into my bed and drop's the folded clothes on the floor.
By Katelyn
By Katelyn
My dream machine
My dream machine is a pair of turbo powered rollerblades that wheel you around your house. They go "bloop bloop'' when you put them on. When you stand up in them they start to vibrate and zoom around to warm up. They are as fast as a lightning flash. They have pulleys to tie up the laces. If you press the big red button on the skate it will zoom you out your window.
my crazy contraption
My crazy contraption cashes me up with a lot of money. During the day my contraption stares at every person on the street. It says "are you getting poor well not anymore because you can buy an oven from me and you will get the ingredients to make a cake and you will get it for 9 99.hope you like the price because when you take a bite of the cake it turns in to a dog will a toaster on the and a piece of toast comes out and it will fly in to your mouth and, It transforms into a robotic money maker with a lot of monster size chocolate bars that shoot out the bottom of the machine but first a brick comes out and lands on your toe and the machine laughs and snorts. After that it says " pull my pulley to pull my leaver to get rich but actually it goes in the bin and falls down and lands in a pipe. It goes as fast as a train and lands in my room on my bed. The 9 dollers 99 turns in to a automatic money copyer." there is only 55 millon on sale now. Yesterday there were 110 million but it went down half way in one day so you better get there fast because time is running out so you have to be quick to get one. If you miss out it is your fault because they went twice as fast as a lightning flash witch is really really fast. I hope you like my crazy contraption.
My Dream Machine
Friday 2nd July 2010
My machine is a car which it flies over ather cars.
There is a button to press to take you up to the air with a
motor. I forgot to tell you that there is a special
button to press but you can,t because it is special.
If you press the button it will go'' Boom'' and you will
blast off in to the sky.
by Brandon
My dream machine
Friday 2nd July 2010
My dream machine
My dream machine is a great room tidier robot. He does my whole room he even does the dusts and luxes. It's great. As he rolls round my room it looks like he is a lightning bolt how fast he goes. My robot is great cause when i have rubbish in my room he has a rubbish bin with him all the time. My robot has six arms so he can do my room in just one minute. He makes a funny sound when he opens his rubbish bin. It sounds like clack clack clack clack. Sometimes when i go to bed he likes to tuck me in. he also likes to play with my cat hiding under my bed. I think my robot looks really cool. He has googly eyes, big teeth and six arms. i think my room tidier robot is the best.
By Hannah
My dream machine
My dream machine is a great room tidier robot. He does my whole room he even does the dusts and luxes. It's great. As he rolls round my room it looks like he is a lightning bolt how fast he goes. My robot is great cause when i have rubbish in my room he has a rubbish bin with him all the time. My robot has six arms so he can do my room in just one minute. He makes a funny sound when he opens his rubbish bin. It sounds like clack clack clack clack. Sometimes when i go to bed he likes to tuck me in. he also likes to play with my cat hiding under my bed. I think my robot looks really cool. He has googly eyes, big teeth and six arms. i think my room tidier robot is the best.
By Hannah
My dream machine
My dream machine jumps over cars.bang It makes a ''bang'' sound when it jumps over the car.It has really good brakes.Are you boerd of having maketoTo wait in traffic? well go down to the Batmanstore.On Travis my car has flying have to pull a lever to make it jump
My dream machine
My dream machine is a green dropping gungeinator, it drops gunge all over you. During the day it presses all these buttons to get the gunge ready to go everywhere, it makes a splashing sound when the gunge holder has let go of all the gunge.
When it is pressing the buttons it makes an awfully loud beep sound.
Its arms come out of its head. It has quite a bit of buttons, called levers. The helmet is powered by your brain when you have the helmet on. Once you have pressed the buttons there is another lever, we sometimes call it a switch, that is on the right side of the helmet!
The colour of the helmet is as blue as my blue eyes, gunge holder as green as green grass
and buttons as black and red as a vampire.
When it is pressing the buttons it makes an awfully loud beep sound.
Its arms come out of its head. It has quite a bit of buttons, called levers. The helmet is powered by your brain when you have the helmet on. Once you have pressed the buttons there is another lever, we sometimes call it a switch, that is on the right side of the helmet!
The colour of the helmet is as blue as my blue eyes, gunge holder as green as green grass
and buttons as black and red as a vampire.
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Today some of Ruma Kakapo pushed Jacks bike up the ramp.
It was easy to push it up the ramp.
This is Leah and Kayla
pushing the bike up the
Eden & Jacks poster

Today we did some stuff using Jacks bike. it looked very hard when Jack & Chris lifted the bike up the stairs. It looked easier when Jack & Chris went down the stairs.
Jack Said "It was very bouncy going down the stairs."
Jack Said "It was very bouncy going down the stairs."
First Kayla and Leah pushed the bike up the ramp then talked
about how they felt after they did it.
It looked easy when they pushed the bike up.Jack
let them use his
bike so we could make a slide show and
learn about it and how they felt.
about how they felt after they did it.
It looked easy when they pushed the bike up.Jack
let them use his
bike so we could make a slide show and
learn about it and how they felt.
Today some of ruma kakapo people pushes jacks bike up the ramp. It was easy pushing the bike up the ramp.

This is Leah
and Kayla going
up the ramp.
This is Katelyn
and shavanah
pushing jacks
bike up the ramp.
Today we used Jacks bike to push up and down the ramp.
First of all Kayla and Leah pushed it up to were the ramp starts.
After that we they started to push the bike up to the top
of the inclined plane.Then Katelyn and Shavanah walked
it down the ramp. It was simple because it was a slope
and it was not bumpy like the stairs.
First of all Kayla and Leah pushed it up to were the ramp starts.
After that we they started to push the bike up to the top
of the inclined plane.Then Katelyn and Shavanah walked
it down the ramp. It was simple because it was a slope
and it was not bumpy like the stairs.
lifting the bike
Today Kayden and Ariadine carried Jacks bike
up the stairs. Ariadine and Kayden took the
bike up and down the ramp but the bike
was unexpectidly heavy.
up the stairs. Ariadine and Kayden took the
bike up and down the ramp but the bike
was unexpectidly heavy.
Today some people from Ruma Kakapo pushed Jack's bike up the ramp.
It was very easy rolling it up and down the ramp.
It was very easy because it is slopped and a inclined plane which it is easy to push things up and down it.
It was very easy rolling it up and down the ramp.
It was very easy because it is slopped and a inclined plane which it is easy to push things up and down it.
Hannah and shannons ramp poster

First we rushed out side while jack and laney got jack's bike when they finally came we started talking about what are simple machines on jack's bike. We came up with lots of ideas. Jack picked Chris to take the bike up the class stairs then they took some photos of Kalya and Leah
taking the bike up the ramp.All the girls siad it was esey and they didn't have to use much force.
taking the bike up the ramp.All the girls siad it was esey and they didn't have to use much force.
At the ramps
First re rushed outside and sat outside the classroom. Leah and Kayla went up the ramp and stopped. Katelyn and shavanah went back down and they went back up again. Then Laney and Phoenix caried it down and mrs Rehmann told them to roll the bike to her. After that kayden and shannon came up the stairs and back down and we went back inside.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Today Eden and I made an inclined plane. It loooked cool.
We coloured it in. Some of the colours were pink blue green
and yellow.
We coloured it in. Some of the colours were pink blue green
and yellow.

My classroom has been learning about simple machines and we did a lot of stuff. In the morning we made ramps and we used marbles to go down the ramps. It was fun because we used alot lot of stuff inside the classroom. At the end we had to put all the stuff where they were at first.
simple machines
Ruma Kakapo are learning about simple machines. Here are some of the things that we are learning about: wheels, axles, levers, ramps. Today we made some ramps and rolled a marble down it .
simple machines
We are learning about simple machines. We have gone on to a web site and you can create a dream machine . We have been learning about levers, inclined planes, pulleys, wheels, axles and other things. We have learnt lots of things.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Catherine cross country
I went to cross country.
So did you.
I ran in a race.
So did you.
I had a drink.
So did you.
So did you.
I ran in a race.
So did you.
I had a drink.
So did you.
Fifth place
At cross country it was exciting and as you can see on the title
it says fifth place which was the placing I had got.
My new shoes got dirty.
it says fifth place which was the placing I had got.
My new shoes got dirty.
Yesterday I won x-country and now I am the champion at x-country. Thomas came 2nd and I was amazed at kiwi. They were fast weren't they :).
Now I am going to the districts.
Now I am going to the districts.
Cool and a muddy time.
Really hot and I was puffed.
On Thursday the 3rd of June 2010.
Some people go to the districs.
Some of the parents took cars.
Cool fun all the way through.
Only Centennial people raced.
Umbrellas were not used.
Not dry it was really muddy.
Tall trees that gave us shade it felt nice.
Really fast runners that go to the south canterburys.
Yes it's really fun to take part in the x-country.
Really hot and I was puffed.
On Thursday the 3rd of June 2010.
Some people go to the districs.
Some of the parents took cars.
Cool fun all the way through.
Only Centennial people raced.
Umbrellas were not used.
Not dry it was really muddy.
Tall trees that gave us shade it felt nice.
Really fast runners that go to the south canterburys.
Yes it's really fun to take part in the x-country.
Yesterday we did the x-country. I came 2nd. It was amazing to see how fast the ruma kiwi people were. I'm going to the districts.
The x-country was exciting because I was running with the 9 years olds and I was puffed because I was running so fast. When I was close to the finish line I ran so fast. I came 1st! It was so cool.
x country
On Thursday 3rd June we had our school x country, I came 1st.
I was so proud of myself because I got 1st place, and I have never got first place in x country before. We had to run the furthest because we were the oldest children. Four of the children in ages 7, 8, 9 and ten year olds got chosen to go to the district x country. Guess what - I made it into the districts team!
I was so proud of myself because I got 1st place, and I have never got first place in x country before. We had to run the furthest because we were the oldest children. Four of the children in ages 7, 8, 9 and ten year olds got chosen to go to the district x country. Guess what - I made it into the districts team!
On Thursday Centennial School went to x-country.
I came 6th place.I was puffed.When I finished I wanted a drink. I was proud of myself.
I came 6th place.I was puffed.When I finished I wanted a drink. I was proud of myself.
On Thursday 3rd June it was the whole schools cross country. On the day I came 3rd place I was really excited. The people who came 1st and 2nd were Brittney and Tandia. Brittney came 1st and Tandia came 2nd and I came 3rd. All of us are really good friends, and we all are going to the districts for cross country. I am really excited. This is my second year going to the districts cross country. I can't wait.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
On Thursday the 3rd of June 2010 Centennial School will be doing their cross country.
It will be very very muddy and yucky.
It will be very very muddy and yucky.
On Thursday the 3rd of June Waimate Centennial School is doing X-country.
It is going to be very muddy..
It is going to be very muddy..
X-country Brittney
Today is cross country. I am so excited, we are going to Knottingly park where the course is. I bet you that I am going to do well. The track will probably be muddy from all the rain, I hope I do not slip over while I am running. It happens all the time to me. I have never had a chance to do a whole cross country course. I at least hope I get to do a whole course today.
x-country Alex
Today is the day of x-country and I hope I can come first second third or forth fifth or sixth so I
can go to the district like last time. I like cross country because I like to run a lot because I do
a lot of running. Running is one of my favourite things to do. First we walk round the course with the prinipal.
can go to the district like last time. I like cross country because I like to run a lot because I do
a lot of running. Running is one of my favourite things to do. First we walk round the course with the prinipal.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The Cuddy
I learnt that two men lived in the Cuddy.
I had a lot of great fun. It was laughable
when two dogs came along.
I had a lot of great fun. It was laughable
when two dogs came along.
The cuddy
This is us listening to Mrs Studholme at the Cuddy.Then we had to sketch the Cuddy.
Te Waimate
This is wool that is ready to go in the press. Mrs Studholme was showing us what will happen after it's been in the press.
The Woolshed!
The Woolshed is one of the oldest working woolsheds in New Zealand.The yards outside it are still the original totara they were built from.
Brittney's museum caption
This is the old Cuddy Mrs Studholme is talking to the seniors of Centennial School about the Cuddy.
Sheep wool
The cuddy
the Cuddy is in the Waimate district and is really awesome to see. in 2010 the whole school went their. i had a good time going inside the Cuddy. i hope i can go in there again.
Friday, May 7, 2010
My autumn poem
I hear the leaves falling from the trees and rattling on the way down and it sounds cool and when you touch the leaves it sounds funny.
I taste the leaves blowing into my mouth and it doesn't taste yummy like chocolate or even icecream but still leaves are cool.
I smell the leaves rattling but they not taste yummy like icecream but they look cool like a robot and a purple car
I taste the leaves blowing into my mouth and it doesn't taste yummy like chocolate or even icecream but still leaves are cool.
I smell the leaves rattling but they not taste yummy like icecream but they look cool like a robot and a purple car
catherines snore
One night I snored to my sibling. Margaret said "be quiet" and my BIG sister Emily yelled "quiet!!"
Then the rat squeaked and the cat yowled to the dog .The dog howled . Then I woke up.
Then the rat squeaked and the cat yowled to the dog .The dog howled . Then I woke up.
One day Laney went to netball. She was
so tired that she fell asleep. She snored
like a train. The snore rumbled down
to a another class. They said:
'What's that?'
All the classes came outside. They saw Laney
snoring. The cats and dogs could hear Laney
One day Laney woke up. She said:
'What is that sound?'
It was the cats and dogs howling.
'Stop that' said Laney so she ran
home as fast as she could.
She never fell asleep again
so tired that she fell asleep. She snored
like a train. The snore rumbled down
to a another class. They said:
'What's that?'
All the classes came outside. They saw Laney
snoring. The cats and dogs could hear Laney
One day Laney woke up. She said:
'What is that sound?'
It was the cats and dogs howling.

'Stop that' said Laney so she ran
home as fast as she could.
She never fell asleep again
My autumn poem
I hear the leaves crunching in my hands like crunching bones.
I also hear crackling leaves when I stand on them.
I see the leaves falling off the trees.
I see purple and green and all kinds of colours!
I smell the autumn and the stinky leaves on the ground.
I also smell the fresh leaves.
I feel smooth leaves and even hard leaves.
I feel the red and purple and green and brown leaves.
I also hear crackling leaves when I stand on them.
I see the leaves falling off the trees.
I see purple and green and all kinds of colours!
I smell the autumn and the stinky leaves on the ground.
I also smell the fresh leaves.
I feel smooth leaves and even hard leaves.
I feel the red and purple and green and brown leaves.
My dad's snore
My dad's snore is so loud it can wobble the whole house. One night we were all in bed and we herd this massive rumble. It was Dad. Dad had wobbled the whole house. We all woke up, even the dog and the cat. I got so mad with Dad I went to his room and woke him up and said STOP SNORING.
I went back to my room and Dad went back to sleep. Finally I got to sleep and so did the rest of the family.
The next day we got Dad some snoring pills. We could finally get to sleep now. As I was just asleep Dad started snoring again. Mum probably kicked him because he stopped. The next night we gave him another pill and the second pill finally worked. He went to sleep without snoring. Now we could finally get to sleep.
I went back to my room and Dad went back to sleep. Finally I got to sleep and so did the rest of the family.
The next day we got Dad some snoring pills. We could finally get to sleep now. As I was just asleep Dad started snoring again. Mum probably kicked him because he stopped. The next night we gave him another pill and the second pill finally worked. He went to sleep without snoring. Now we could finally get to sleep.
Phoenix' snore
One day Phoenix snored at school. It was as loud as a train. The snore went around the world and back to school. The next day Phoenix snored as loud as an earthquake that it broke the trees and the ground. Then all the people said to be quiet but the next day he snored like a rhinoceros that the world broke into tiny pieces.
The next day he snored like a car that every one's pants fell down. Mrs Rehmann got annoyed at the kids but when he snored like a dog everyone's pants got clipped on and then he snored the loudest of all. Everyone took Phoenix to the doctor to get fixed but when he got home he snored like a giant in the backyard playing a game. So he got a dog in his mouth and they lived happily ever after.
The next day he snored like a car that every one's pants fell down. Mrs Rehmann got annoyed at the kids but when he snored like a dog everyone's pants got clipped on and then he snored the loudest of all. Everyone took Phoenix to the doctor to get fixed but when he got home he snored like a giant in the backyard playing a game. So he got a dog in his mouth and they lived happily ever after.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Why can't I have a 100000000 wishes?
Why can't everyone be chocolate?
Why does school exist?
Why can't i have a pink car?
Why can't i have 1000 pencils?
Why can't everyone be chocolate?
Why does school exist?
Why can't i have a pink car?
Why can't i have 1000 pencils?
thomas' snore
One day Thomas was walking to school. When he got to school he went to maths. He did a maths
test and fell asleep. He started to snore.
His snore was so so loud it bounced to Timaru where a show was on. There was a clown who was wearing long pants, and the clown's pants fell down.
Thomas' snore rolled all the way to Mr Burt's class and Mr Burt yelled: 'Stop that noise!' Mr Burt came into Ruma Kakapo. He saw Thomas snoring and started to walk away slowly. Then Mr Burt ran to his classroom.
Thomas' snore roared all the way to Mrs Albrey's class. Mrs Albrey came and said: 'stop that noise'. Then it woke up the whole world. All the people yelled: 'Be quiet you person whoever is doing that!'
Finally Thomas woke up. Then he heard 'zzzzz', and it was Mr Burt.
Here we go again.
test and fell asleep. He started to snore.
His snore was so so loud it bounced to Timaru where a show was on. There was a clown who was wearing long pants, and the clown's pants fell down.
Thomas' snore rolled all the way to Mr Burt's class and Mr Burt yelled: 'Stop that noise!' Mr Burt came into Ruma Kakapo. He saw Thomas snoring and started to walk away slowly. Then Mr Burt ran to his classroom.
Thomas' snore roared all the way to Mrs Albrey's class. Mrs Albrey came and said: 'stop that noise'. Then it woke up the whole world. All the people yelled: 'Be quiet you person whoever is doing that!'
Finally Thomas woke up. Then he heard 'zzzzz', and it was Mr Burt.
Here we go again.
Why can't I ?
Why can't I get a pool made of jelly?
Why can't I get a puppy?
Why can't I go to Australia?
Why can't I glow in the dark?
Why can't I go swimming with dolphins in Australia?
Why can't I get a puppy?
Why can't I go to Australia?
Why can't I glow in the dark?
Why can't I go swimming with dolphins in Australia?
Why can't I?
Why can't I fly?
Why can't I have a pie?
Why can't I sigh?
Why can't I jump high?
Why can't I say HI ?
Why can't I have a pie?
Why can't I sigh?
Why can't I jump high?
Why can't I say HI ?
Why can't i have...
Why can't i have 1000 wishes?
Why do we not have school for a year?
Why is there nothing for free in this wold?
Why can't i go to fiji for the rest of my life?
Why can't i have a dolphin for a pet and go swimming with it?
Why do we not have school for a year?
Why is there nothing for free in this wold?
Why can't i go to fiji for the rest of my life?
Why can't i have a dolphin for a pet and go swimming with it?
why why why?
why can't...
Why can't be school 2 seconds ?
Why can't fishing be every year?
Why can't we skate anywhere?
Why can't I do anything?
Why can't I have 1000 dollars?
Why can't be school 2 seconds ?
Why can't fishing be every year?
Why can't we skate anywhere?
Why can't I do anything?
Why can't I have 1000 dollars?
why can't I be a .....
Why can't boys be ugly?
Why can't the world be chocolate?
Why can't school be better than that?
Why can't I have 1000 wishes?
Why can't we fly in the air with skateboards?
Why can't the world be chocolate?
Why can't school be better than that?
Why can't I have 1000 wishes?
Why can't we fly in the air with skateboards?
The principals snore.
The principals snore
One day there was a principal named Mr.Jury. He fell asleep one day because he was bored of doing school work all the time. His snore was so loud that even the children out playing could hear him. It rumbled all the way to Mr.Burt's classroom,so Mr.Burt yelled STOP THAT RACKET, but he didn't. Then the snore drove all the way to Mrs.Rehmann's calssroom but they weren't there, so the snore went to the hall and found them. Suddenly Mrs.Rehmann heard the noise and then said Mr.Jury shush I can hear you from here. I think the whole school can hear you. She rumbled. So then the snore went all the way to the secretary's office. Mrs.Richards heard it aswell and so she shouted MR.JURY WAKE UP. And finally it worked. Mr.Jury woke up in suprise, and he said to mrs richards why do you have to keep yelling random words trillions of times. And so mrs richards agreed to not yell in school again and mr.jury also agreed to not go to sleep in school time again.
By Brittney Young
One day there was a principal named Mr.Jury. He fell asleep one day because he was bored of doing school work all the time. His snore was so loud that even the children out playing could hear him. It rumbled all the way to Mr.Burt's classroom,so Mr.Burt yelled STOP THAT RACKET, but he didn't. Then the snore drove all the way to Mrs.Rehmann's calssroom but they weren't there, so the snore went to the hall and found them. Suddenly Mrs.Rehmann heard the noise and then said Mr.Jury shush I can hear you from here. I think the whole school can hear you. She rumbled. So then the snore went all the way to the secretary's office. Mrs.Richards heard it aswell and so she shouted MR.JURY WAKE UP. And finally it worked. Mr.Jury woke up in suprise, and he said to mrs richards why do you have to keep yelling random words trillions of times. And so mrs richards agreed to not yell in school again and mr.jury also agreed to not go to sleep in school time again.
By Brittney Young
why are things boring?
Why aren't I a shape shifter that could turn into stuff by looking at it?
Why can't we have a chocolate world but when you eat it, it would grow back?
Why can't I turn anything into food?
Why don't we breathe under water?
Why can't I run faster than sound?
by Hayden
Why can't we have a chocolate world but when you eat it, it would grow back?
Why can't I turn anything into food?
Why don't we breathe under water?
Why can't I run faster than sound?
by Hayden
Why can't I?
Why can't I fly like a bird?
Why can't my tongue be white?
Why are boys real?
Why can't I be a witch?
Why can't I have a pink car?
Why can't my tongue be white?
Why are boys real?
Why can't I be a witch?
Why can't I have a pink car?
How come?
How come we go to school?
How come people snore?
How come people fart?
How come we have cats?
How come people go to bed?
How come people snore?
How come people fart?
How come we have cats?
How come people go to bed?
why why why why why
Why can't I be a mermaid?
Why can't I be a fairy?
Why can't the world be made out of chocolate!
Why can't mum & dad be nice to me?
Why can't I go to Catherine's every day after school?
Why can't I be a fairy?
Why can't the world be made out of chocolate!
Why can't mum & dad be nice to me?
Why can't I go to Catherine's every day after school?
what is my name?
what is my middle name?
what is my last name?
what is your name ?
what is your last name ?
Why did school start to exist?
Why can't i go to Australia?
Why can't i swim with the sharks?
Why can't i breathe on Mars?
Why can't i have millon times millon wishes?
Why can't i go to Australia?
Why can't i swim with the sharks?
Why can't i breathe on Mars?
Why can't i have millon times millon wishes?
why? why? why? why? why?
Why aren't there alot of kakapo
Why do we have
to do homework?
Why are there only a few different types of clothes?
Why aren't there chocolate
whirl pools?
Why aren't there chocolate clocks that make
chocolate fall each hour?
Why do we have
to do homework?
Why are there only a few different types of clothes?
Why aren't there chocolate
whirl pools?
Why aren't there chocolate clocks that make
chocolate fall each hour?
Question Poem
Why can't there be no school?
Why can't I fly to the UK?
Why can't I go green?
Why can't I be a queen?
Why can't I have a puppy?
By laney
Why can't I fly to the UK?
Why can't I go green?
Why can't I be a queen?
Why can't I have a puppy?
By laney
why why why
Why can't we have
a chocolate world
that grows back?
Why can't
I have a
made out of jelly?
Why can't we have easy
at school ?
Why can'tI have a puppy?
Why can't I go to perth
to live?
a chocolate world
that grows back?
Why can't
I have a
made out of jelly?
Why can't we have easy
at school ?
Why can'tI have a puppy?
Why can't I go to perth
to live?
Why can't I?
Why can't i get anything i want to?
Why can't i jump 3 metres?
Why can't i go to school 7 days a week?
Why can't i fly to Egypt and back in 1 second?
Why can't i anything i wish for?
Why can't i jump 3 metres?
Why can't i go to school 7 days a week?
Why can't i fly to Egypt and back in 1 second?
Why can't i anything i wish for?
Question poem
How come people aren't green?
How come I can't be a queen?
How come cats aren't big and blue?
How come I don't have a puppy?
How come I can't glow in the dark?
How come I can't be a queen?
How come cats aren't big and blue?
How come I don't have a puppy?
How come I can't glow in the dark?
wyh cant i be a .........
Why can't I have no hair?
Why can't I have one hundred wishes?
Why is school six hours?
Why can't I bet Jack at a game?
Why don't I now everthing?
Why can't I have one hundred wishes?
Why is school six hours?
Why can't I bet Jack at a game?
Why don't I now everthing?
Why can't I .......
Why can't I swim with dolphins?
Why can't I glow in the dark?
Why can't I travel the world?
Why can't I have 3000 more wishes?
Why can't I be a famous singer?
Why can't I glow in the dark?
Why can't I travel the world?
Why can't I have 3000 more wishes?
Why can't I be a famous singer?
Why why why cant I have five wishes?
How come people aren't green?
How come I can't be a queen?
How come children do plays?
How come adults pay?
How come cats can't talk?
How come most people walk?
How come I can't be a queen?
How come children do plays?
How come adults pay?
How come cats can't talk?
How come most people walk?
Friday, April 23, 2010
Brittneys autumn poem
My Autumn poem
I see the dewey leaves falling from the trees.
I see the leaves glistening in the wind.
I see the leaves as they get dry.
I smell the dew that is on the trees or leaves.
Smell the flowers that are loosing their colour and smell.
I feel all of the bumpy leaves that have fallen off the trees.
It feels all sore once you've walked on leaves in bare feet.
I see the dewey leaves falling from the trees.
I see the leaves glistening in the wind.
I see the leaves as they get dry.
I smell the dew that is on the trees or leaves.
Smell the flowers that are loosing their colour and smell.
I feel all of the bumpy leaves that have fallen off the trees.
It feels all sore once you've walked on leaves in bare feet.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Camp week 2010 Kayaking
I had fun kayaking. At first I was scared but when I was finished kayaking I wanted to do it again.We went Kayaking at the Waihao river.
camp week
on the 3rd of march 2010 the year 5's went kayaking at the waihao river.everyone had alot of fun kayaking.all of us got wet because we had to jump out of the kayak and run across and back and sit back in the kayaks.I fall out because Quinn push me off.I wresteld Mitchell and got him of and he only just got his hands on the kayak.I wresteld Quinn aswell but he got me off and i took him with me and the instructer and Mitchell laughed their heads off.
camp week 2010 kayaking
In camp week I went to the Waihao River. I stood up in the kayak. Hannah was the first one to fall out of the kayak.
2010 camp week 4`S
Thursday the 4rd of March . It was camp week the year 4`s went abseiling. we went in cars Aron
camp week 2010
In camp week it was so much fun .i am looking forwed to campweek next year .I really enjoyed abseiling it was so much fun doing all the stuff in camp week I wish it was still in caamp week today
On Thursday 4 March only the Year 4s went abseiling, and 2 of the cliffs I did and they were easy. On the way back we saw a helicopter. It was spraying the hills. I also saw wild goats in the gorge on the way back.
On Thursday 4 March only the Year 4s went abseiling, and 2 of the cliffs I did and they were easy. On the way back we saw a helicopter. It was spraying the hills. I also saw wild goats in the gorge on the way back.
2010 camp week
On the 3rd of March the year fives from Waimate Centennial school went kayaking. We went by car I went in Chris's car. When we got there we took out our bags and put them on the grass. The poly tech students gave us our gear and paddle. Some people did camera work and did kayaking later.I was scared at first but I got use to it Owen was my instructor. I did a big jump out of the kayak at the end. It was very fun and I enjoyed it.
thomas's camp week
On thursday all year 4s from centennial school went abseiling at arno threw the gorge. When we got there i was really scared about the third cliff the because it looked really big and scary the first cliff was really small the second cliff was sort of big i was nerves when it was my turn there was a extra cliff i went down it.It
Rafting at Waiora Scout Camp Madison
On Wednesday in the morning we got ready for camp. My buddy was Rosa and when Room 3 waved to us they were standing on a big porch. But my brother was still trying to look for me in the bus.
Camp Week 2010
On the 3rd of march 2010 The year 5's went kayaking at the Waiho river.
Iwas i
Iwas i
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Brittneys favourite camp week
Camp week 2010
On camp week we had lots of fun.
My favourite part of camp week was when the year 5's went kayaking.
When we went kayaking I was the only one that didn't fall out. I was so gald that I did not fall out.
Thats all for now see ya!
Camp week 2010
On camp week we had lots of fun.
My favourite part of camp week was when the year 5's went kayaking.
When we went kayaking I was the only one that didn't fall out. I was so gald that I did not fall out.
Thats all for now see ya!
camp week
On Thursday the 4th of March
The year 4s went abseiling because it was camp week.

When it was my turn at abseiling I was worried so much.
First i did the little on.After I did the frist on I had lunch it was good.
At 2.30 we got in cars to go back to school.It was a fun day.
From laney
Friday, February 19, 2010
Jack's reflection
I learnt that 13 people have blue eyes and 9 people don't.
I learnt that you have to keep track of who you have ask because you might ask someone twice.
Next time I will work faster and ask more questions
I learnt that you have to keep track of who you have ask because you might ask someone twice.
Next time I will work faster and ask more questions
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Reflecting on our learning
Read our reflections about our statistical investigation. We asked ourselves two questions:
- What have I learnt during this inquiry?
- What will I do differently next time?
ariadne's reflection
I learnt that I have to stay with my buddy.
Next time I will go faster with my buddy.
Next time I will go faster with my buddy.
Eden's reflection!!!
I learnt that it's not easy to gather and sort information with a buddy
Next time I will concentrate a bit more and stay on task.
Next time I will concentrate a bit more and stay on task.
Mitchells reflection
My reflection
I have learnt that you have
to stay with
your buddy. Next time I will
work faster.
I have learnt that you have
to stay with
your buddy. Next time I will
work faster.
My Reflection
I learnt that it's harder do sort data than it looks.
Next time I will get my work done faster and get a buddy.
Next time I will get my work done faster and get a buddy.
Leah's reflecction
I learnt that it is not easy gathering data.
Next time I will write down the names in the right box.
Next time I will write down the names in the right box.
My Reflection
I learnt that sorting data is not easy because they all have different answers .
Next time I will stay with my buddy.
Next time I will stay with my buddy.
Brittney's reflection
I learnt that gathering information is not easy with a buddy.
Next time I will find a different way to gather information.
Next time I will find a different way to gather information.
Harry's Reflection
I learnt that I collect my data from other people.
Next time I will sort my data in other ways.
Next time I will sort my data in other ways.
Kayla's reflection
I learnt that it isn't easy to find out information about other people. Next time I will put all the answers in the same part of the Y data squares.
Thomas' reflection
I learnt that it's harder to sort the data than it looks. Next time I will try to sort my data better.
Phoenix' reflection
I learnt that it is it easy to sort the card. Next time I will sort them in a different way.
Hannah's reflection
1I learnt that it is not easy to find all the information that fast.
2 Next time I will get the list of all the names and put them on the back before I put the information on.
2 Next time I will get the list of all the names and put them on the back before I put the information on.
Christopher's reflection
I learnt that......
I need to remember
things harder.
Next time I will.....
try harder at coming up with
different questions.
I need to remember
things harder.
Next time I will.....
try harder at coming up with
different questions.
Cassidy reflection
I learnt that it is hard to keep track of everyone.
Next time I will think about what I write.
Next time I will think about what I write.
Katelyn's reflection
I learnt that collecting data is harder than it looks.
Next time I will stick with my buddy so we don't write down the same people.
Next time I will stick with my buddy so we don't write down the same people.
My reflection
I learnt that it is not very easy to collect data of a whole class because you need to keep track of who you have asked.
Next time, I will tick off all of the people that I have done.
Next time, I will tick off all of the people that I have done.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Statistical Inquiry

During the last couple of weeks we have been learning about statistics. In pairs we had to conduct a statistical inquiry.
We had to decide on three questions to ask each child. Then we made a prediction about what we thought we would find out.
During the collecting stage we recorded the answers from each child on a data card. We sorted all the cards in a way that we could explain. Finally we compared our prediction with what our findings were.
Each pair is now presenting their inquiry in a poster.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Edens Poem About Kakabro
Kool Kakapo
Always happy
Koru on his badge
Awesome friend to have
Been to Canada
Red and black headband
Only green and black body and clothes
Always happy
Koru on his badge
Awesome friend to have
Been to Canada
Red and black headband
Only green and black body and clothes
shannons poem
Kakabro is a classic.
Awesome Kakabro.
K for Kakabro.
Amazing bird.
Black singlet cool.
Rugby player.
One yellow beak.
Awesome Kakabro.
K for Kakabro.
Amazing bird.
Black singlet cool.
Rugby player.
One yellow beak.
Ariadne's poem about kakabro
Kakabro lives in the wood
And Kakabro is cuddly
Kakabro has a yellow beak
And Kakabro is awesome
Black boots
Really cool kakabro
On Kakabro's top he has 2 badges
And Kakabro is cuddly
Kakabro has a yellow beak
And Kakabro is awesome
Black boots
Really cool kakabro
On Kakabro's top he has 2 badges
Kakabro is cool
Always wearing a black T-shirt
Kakabro is green
Always happy
Been to Canada
Rugby player like an All Black player
One yellow beak
Always wearing a black T-shirt
Kakabro is green
Always happy
Been to Canada
Rugby player like an All Black player
One yellow beak
Kakabro is cool.
Always jumping on people's beds.
Kakabro likes to read.
A very soft toy.
Been to Canada.
Rugby player.
On his t-shirt he has two badges.
Always jumping on people's beds.
Kakabro likes to read.
A very soft toy.
Been to Canada.
Rugby player.
On his t-shirt he has two badges.
Mitchell's first post
Kakabro is fat
And is green
Kicks rugby balls
And he eats his
Breakfast while
Running with an
And is green
Kicks rugby balls
And he eats his
Breakfast while
Running with an
Laney poem
Kakabro goes home with one person a day.
A very good friend to me.
Kakabro lives in the woods.
A very cuddly toy.
Black boots.
Rugby player.
Only has two badges.
A very good friend to me.
Kakabro lives in the woods.
A very cuddly toy.
Black boots.
Rugby player.
Only has two badges.
All about Kakabro
Kakabro is cute and fluffy.
Always a little happy chap.
Kakabro always has a headband.
A awesome friend.
Been a good friend and always will be.
Reads a lot of stories from the class.
On a tramp at any time.
Always a little happy chap.
Kakabro always has a headband.
A awesome friend.
Been a good friend and always will be.
Reads a lot of stories from the class.
On a tramp at any time.
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