Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mrs Rehmanns toy car

Today Mrs Rehmann brought her toy doctors car to school. It can go to crashes but not real crashes because it is a toy car. It is pretty cool! It has a doctor inside it. The doctor has a white top with black pants. The car comes with some signs too. It is big but not really big. It has a siren on it and it has some spare parts. It is kept in a box. The roof comes off it too. It says notarz on the side. It is white and it is made out of plastic.

Bob the builder

Ollie has a Bob the builder soft toy to share with the class. His granny knited it. There are two tools that can come out. And he has a hat it is yellow. And also a orange and yollew sweater. Also four tools that are a hemer scrwer diver and a rope all of his tools are in his tool belt.


Ollie's toy is Bob the Builder. Bob has got a belt with all tool's and got a helmet on his head. He is soft and cuddly and you can pull out the nail out of his belt. Ollie's nana knitted out of wool. Bob's got a yellow sweater. Ollie's toy ROCKS!

David's Mum's Bunny

David's Mum brought a pink and white toy bunny to school. The pink really stands out. Bunnys really fluffy. It's a medium bunny. It has got little eyes and one little nose. It is cute and cuddly. It's really old looking. Its ears are really big.

David's panda

David brought his Mum's old squishy toy panda to school. It is black and white and dusty. Some off the fluff has came off. It's tongue pokes out. It has black around its eyes orange. It is rough on the fur. My favourite part about the panda is because he is tall and long and because it makes him look cute.

Mrs Rehmanns car

Mrs Rehmann brought an ambulance car to school. Its top can come off as well as the ambulance. It's white. It has a person. It has lots of bits. It has a front bumper and has a siren. It has a steering wheel. It has a couple of chairs. The wheels on the car spin around.

Ollies toy

Ollie brought his toy bob the builder to school. It is yellow, skin colour, blue, orange, brown and black. It is knitted. It feels kind of rough and it doesn't make any sounds. Ollie said his great grandma knitted Bob. He has a tool belt with knitted tools in it. The tools can come out. It also has a yellow knitted hat and a blue and orange jersey.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

This is Grace, Rosie and I'm at the children's assembly.

I am a hunter

Heat blast

This is Charlie in bookweek 2011. He is heatblast.




book week 2011 - Dan

I am Ob1 Konobi.

Shaun the duck hunter

This is me being Barbie and the Three Musketeers. I am talking in front of the whole school. I saw lots of colours in the school that day. I even saw my mum. I was nervous because I had lots of people watching me.

book week

I love book week.




art is fun

Art is cool. I love our art teacher. She is really nice.

my book week day

I had fun in book week.

my fun book week

I had a very fun book week at school. I was a bee.

My cake

This is the birthday cake I shared with Ruma Kakapo on my birthday in July. It was the first birthday ever that was not in the school holidays for me so I was very excited to have lots of children celebrating with me!

Book week with my friend Ollie

Max and Ollie reading to Andrew in ruma kakapo book week

This is me playing the piano at the children's assembly. I was really nervous when I was playing the piano in front of all the people wacthing me. Luckily I didn't get stage fright!!!!

Riley and I

Friday, August 5, 2011

my holidays

  • going to oamaru

  • going to the movies

  • going to bed late

  • staying on the computer for 3 hours

  • staying at home instead of going to school

  • not having to do work

  • there are no rules

My adventure holidays

1.climbing a big hill
2.going to the forest
3.climbing broken trees
4.playing in water under the road

fun things i did in the holidays

  • going to a camp at guns bush.

  • moving to a new house.

  • playing at home with the dogs.

  • playing on the laptop.

  • taking the dogs for a walk .

  • having a friend stay.

  • having my cake.

  • opening my presents.

  • having fish and chips.

  • geting my globes.

  • geting some lollies

Thursday, August 4, 2011

My holidays

1. Going gold paning on the West Coast at Shanty town.

Fun things I did in the holidays

  • going to my Grannys house and getting my presents.

  • getting my zhu zhu pplaying at Caroline bay.

  • doing some exercize at Caroline bay.

fun things we did in the holidays

  • going on the snow tubes

  • going to Dansey past

  • going to Kung fu

  • looking at chocolate

my holidays

1. riding my motorbike at my house
2. playing on Davids trampoline
3. driveing to rugbe on SATURDAY4. watching tv at my house
5.sleeping at Davids house
6.playing with my rugbe bull
7. watching the All blacks on SATURDAY
8. going to the club rooms after rugby
9. watching grown ups

fun things we did in the holidays

  1. Talking to my sister in the speak

  2. going to Dunedins mall

  3. seeing the blue butterflies

  4. playing on the bubule machine

  5. walking through the rain forest

List of things that I did in the holidays

  1. Playing rugby in Timaru against the Harlequins.

  2. having lunch at Caroline bay park.

Fun things we did in the holidays.

  • Getting a x box 360

  • Moving house

  • Charlie coming to play at my new house

  • Me watching my friend Andy play army of two on the x box 360

  • Ride bikes with Charlie

  • Jumping steps on the scooter with Charlie

my holidays

1.playing in the hot pools at lake Tekapo

2.looking in the big telescopes at Mt John and seeing the milky way

3.getting and building my Hogwarts castle and express

4.watching Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2

5.playing soccer and winning

6.playing my new psp game [ Harry Potter and The Deathly Dallows Part 2]

my holiday

  • going to CHrIsTCHRUCH to SEE LEX

My favourite ways to spend my holidays

  • having a ride in a helicopter

  • watching the Dunedin gang show that had 2 of my cousins in it

  • playing with Mckenzie and Xavier and new born calves

  • having Margaret to play for 4 1/2 hours

my holidays

1. going to soccer in Waimate

2. winning soccer 3 1

3.having a muffin at the end of soccer

my fun things in the holidays

  • Going to Timaru with my mum and dad

  • And Andrew shoping at the warehouse

  • For new shoes

  • Andrew got some new shoes to

  • and my mum to and dad

fun things i did in the holidays

  • Going to see my great gandad

  • Spoing in Timaru with my nana and ancall and anter

  • Seeing some Finsh and a cat

  • Buying new shoes black shoes

  • getting clothes

My holiday

  1. seeing my little brother Diego

  2. lalking to Aunty Growl phone

  3. going to Adranne's and shooting a 308

my holiday list

1. Going to dunedin to drop off Brandon to camp
2. Wath a movie

My favourite ways to spend my holiday

  1. borrowing glasses from the optometrist

  2. going to Georgia's friends birthday party

  3. staying at mygradma's new house

  4. playing soccer and winning

  5. getting 10 dollars from my Dad for ding jobs at kindy

  6. playing with my Aunty's dog Montie

  7. reading Harry Potter with my Dad

  8. getting new clothes

  9. getting to goals at soccer

my holiday list

  1. completing my star wars lego game with my friend Robby

  2. playing rugby on Saturday

  3. going to Dunedin to watch the All

  4. watching moves

  5. playing wii blacks vs Fiji the All blacks won 60 14

my favourite ways to spend my holidays

  • having 600 dollars for my birthday.

  • riding my big blue bike

  • getting a chocalate fish for my birthday.

  • going to the docters.

  • having everything I wanted.

  • flipping on the tramp.

  • eating a chocalate fish on Sunday.

  • going to Oamaru.

  • getting some sqinkies.

my holiday list

  1. Playing rugby

  2. Going to the movies

  3. Watching All blacks vs Fiji

  4. Going to Caroline Bay

  5. Rugby training

  6. Going to Balclutha

List of things that i did in the holidays

  1. playing rugby and wining

  2. watching all of the All Blacks games

  3. watching the a team movie

  4. taking the Richards shield back to Waimate

  5. going to the Moeraki boulders

  6. going to Baileys house and playing on the motorbike

  7. playing on the tramp with Bailey

My awesome holidays

  • sitting in the hot pools at Lake Tekapo

  • skiing at Roundhill skifield

  • having dinner at two different restaurants

  • visiting Aoraki/Mount Cook on the way home

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Matariki is made of 500 stars but you can only see 6 or 7. Matariki has heaps of names. Here are three: The Seven Sisters, Pleiades, Subaru.


Matariki is a constellation of stars but we can only see the 7 Sisters. It is early in the morning 30 minutes before dawn.


Matariki is the oldest of the Seven Sisters constellation. It reappears late May or early June. Matariki is when the Maori New Year begins. It is a time to fly kites and gather kaimoana.

Term 2

Ever since Term 2 started, we've been so busy with all sorts of learning in Ruma Kakapo. Our main topic is Space. Recently, we've been reading and writing about Matariki. Read some of our information reports.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ruma Kakapo 2011

Welcome to 2011!

A new year, and a classroom full of new faces! This year we are a composite Year 3 / 4 class with 10 children in year 3 and 14 in year 4.
Our friend Kakabro is still with us, of course. He is a kakapo-softtoy and likes to go home every day with a child that has done good work or stood out in a way during the day.
At the moment we are all getting to know each other better and setting up classroom routines and rules.