Monday, February 4, 2013

Week 2

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

It has been a wonderful start to the new year with “my” new Ruma Kakapo class. Thank you for getting the stationery organised so quickly. I think this was a new record in speediness.


With the wonderful weather we have had some great swimming sessions. The children have been excellent in bringing their togs to school. This week we will continue swimming instruction in groups which allows me to work on specific skills with each group.


Thank you for helping with filling in reading diaries. Every morning by before 8.55, the children put their reading diary into a box in the classroom. They get to move their name up on our class star chart if the diary is filled in and signed.

 This week we will start Basic Facts homework. This is a programme which Mrs Constable used very successfully last year.

 Each child has a set list of Basic Facts to learn for the week. There are four sheets for the children to fill in, one for every day.

Day 1: Complete the facts and get them checked. Take as long as you like. Study the ones you got wrong. Why were they wrong?

Day 2: Practise the facts, trying to get all correct. Rewrite the wrong ones.

Day 3: Time yourself to complete all facts.

Day 4: Time yourself to see if you can complete them within 4 minutes.


At this stage, the facts should rather be too easy than too hard as I want the children to experience success.

If you find that the facts are too hard, or your child is fretting over the time pressure, please let me know. The whole Basic Facts programme should be enjoyable with a rewarding feeling after the Friday test when, hopefully, all facts were completed in four minutes and the next level can be started on the following Monday.

The last thing I want is for your child (or you) to feel anxious and stressed about learning Basic Facts.


Have a good week,

Annie Rehmann

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