Monday, February 3, 2014

Week 2 Term 1

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

It has been a wonderful start to the new year with “my” new Ruma Kakapo class.
This week we will start reading homework. Your child will bring home a reading book from their browsing box. If it’s a School Journal, they can choose a story or an article from it and read it.
After reading, they need to fill in their reading diary with the date, title of the book and a comment on the story.
There is also a daily homework sheet for maths this week. We are revising basic facts, so if you think the facts are too easy, it’s just because we are getting back into things.
Class Dojo
If you have signed up for this with last week’s newsletter, you should have received a report on Friday. It would be great if all parents could receive these reports by email. If you don’t have a computer, you can use our classroom computer to sign up. There is also an app that you can download onto your phone or ipad.
Meet the teachers
Your child will have notice to book a Meet the teacher-timeslot next week. Please sign and return to tomorrow, thanks.
Thank you for getting the stationery to promptly. For those who haven’t got it yet, you can buy a box for $22 at the school office.
I look forward to meeting you next week. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please see me or ring me at school.

Have a good week,
Annie Rehmann

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