Tuesday, May 27, 2014

poets go fishing

                                                               Poets go fishing
                                                           Line loose line tight
                                                       Poets go fishing for words
                                                   Unreeling unfeeling under the sea
                                                    Kersplat kersplat wave go kersplat
                                                                poets go fishng
                                                               catch catch catfish
                                                                 poets go fishing
                                                  fiery fingers streetched over the sea

Poets go fishing

Poets go fishing


Poets go fishing for words

Cantankerous waves crashing on the sea shore.

Poets go fishing for words

Unreeling, unreeling until they match, what did I catch?

Poets go fishing for words

Fishing and wishing for words

Poets go fishing for words




Poets go fishing

Poets go fishing for words

Fishing for buckets of words

Poets go fishing for words

Fish lurched on the line

Poets go fishing for words

Cantankerous creatures catching catfish

Poets go fishing for words

Catch this, catch that

Poets go fishing for words

Line loose, line tight

Poets go fishing for words

Lumpy bumpy words


Friday, May 23, 2014

poets go fishing for words

Poets go fishing for words.

Fishing fishing fishing for words

Words wishing to pop out.

Sweltering people looking for fish to eat.

Hump bump lump hump this rhymes.

Fiery fingers stretched from the cloudless sky.

Poets go fishing for words

Bumpy bumpy bumpy waves, the line is loose cantankerous catfish could not swim which made him feel selfish, unreeling, unreeling,unreeling the line.

Poets go fishing

Sweltering swordfish stabbing and fighting

Poets go fishing for words

Cantankerous catfish

Catching catching creatures

Poets go fishing for words

Poets go fishing for words

KERSPLAT!!! Dolphins dive in and out of the water

The cantankerous camel

                         Rush up legs up pushing hooves in hot sand,

                                             Drop down spit out

                                             “What a rude dude”

                                           Up down round about

                                          “You’re so preposterous”

                                   Lumpy bumpy rides around midday

                                   Humps bump clickity clack KERSPLAT.

Wishing for words

Poets go fishing for words

Buckets, buckets and buckets

of words.

“What? Why is there a hole in my bucket?”
 said the poet.

Poets go fishing for words

Bumpy, bumpy, bumpy camel back.

Bounce, bounce, bounce.


Off ran the camel.


Lauriann's poem

Poets go fishing for words

I went to the beach and filled my bucket of water.

Poets go fishing for word

Dad was fishing for fish, but dad forgot his fishing rod.

Poets go fishing for words

Wishing for fish to pop out.


Poets go fishing for words


Poets go fishing for words

Men are fishing very hard

Poets go fishing for words

Kersplat on to the ground

Poets go fishing for words

Catching creatures all day long

Poets go fishing for words

Stretching the line through the holes

Poets go fishing for words

Cantankerous codfish swimming about

Fish in the sea

fish in the sea
poets go fishing for words
lumpy dumpy lumpy humpy
poets go fishing for words
line loose, line tight
poets go fishing for words
catch this catch that
poets go fishing for words
the bucket caught something, the bucket caught nothing

Poets go fishing for words

Poets go fishing for words
Poets go fishing for words
Kersplat, the camel spat
YUCK!!! It was purple.
Poets go fishing for words.
Fishing up and down the river
No fish to be seen. “Ahhh, no fish.”
Poets go fishing for words
Bumpy bumpy, bumpy waves “Ahhh.”