Thursday, September 27, 2012

My character

My character has blue hair and green biceps. He's also got a six pack top. His Name is Hulk Biceps. He can run very fast too. He is smoking. And he has got yellow earrings and red eyebrows.


Every Wednesday we have kiwican. Dom and Tim take us for it we do it in the hall.We play all sorts of games and other stuff to do with respect. At the end Tim Dom and Mrs Rehmann would add up all our points.After that people that were good all week in class they would become King or Queen and before next Wednesday they would have to come up with a question for next week. the King would pick a Queen and the would pick a new King. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

My birthday

My birthday is going to be awesome with all my friends like Bailey Riley and ben.d
we are going to have a sleep over we will be going to timaru and go to the new pool.It WAS FUN.

flood day

When I got back from school  our farm was flood .We have a little strem  on our farm. I nomrally go swmming in there and rowing it is fun.

Room 2 is cool

Yes, it is by Szhyiem. Posted on the iPad.

Kiwi can

Kiwi Can we play lots of games. Our leaders are Tim and Dom. The games we played were skittles. My  favourite part in Kiwi Can was when we dressed up in what our country of what we had on our flags.And my other favorite thing was learning how to respect our self .At the end we get points for how well we do in the class room and at kiwican session.We also get a king and queen.Theyb get to sit where ever they want.And they get to ask question.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I like to go on the farm with my Dad.It is fun going on the farm with my Dad because Iget to see all the cute lambs in spring and geting pet lamb.They are fun to feed and to play with them.The dogs come to help get all the sheep and lambs to dock.Docking is when we put rubber rings around their tails.

Aerofoil experiment

On Wednesday we did an aerofoil experiment.We used all kinds of equipment like blowdrier, straws, paper and string. We had to thread the string through the straws.And once we did that we had to tie the two pieces of string together.Then we had a turn with the blowdrier .We had to go to our desks and draw a  aerofoil and label all the parts then we got to coulor.

Kiwi can

Kiwi can is about what Kiwis can do about themselves. Kiwi  can came to Centennial school for some games.
Kakapo met Tim and Dom.Kakapo played skittles. Dom threw the big blue ball too hard that made some of the class get hit by the ball. Joe won the first round and Zac won the second round.