Thursday, July 30, 2009

native lizard and geckos

Lizards are similar to geckos

Geckos are good at hiding

Lizards are at the lake

Where do geckos and lizards live?

Do all geckos tails come off?

my questions

How did we get geckos?

Where are geckos from?

native lizards and geckos

Geckos lick their eyes. They are different colours?
I wonder how many geckos and lizards there are in the world?
Why do they have life cycle?
How many different species?
what is in side their boby?
what are their names?
who are their friends?

my question

What is their habitat?
What is their life cycle?


Geckos lick their eyes.

I wonder...

I wonder if lizards hibernate?

I have a comment

Lizards have eyebrows and geckos don't.

native lizards and geckos

Why do they lick thier eyes?
What do they eat?

Geckos lick their eyes.

My questions

How many lizards are in NZ?

What is the most famous lizard?

I wonder...

How many different species of geckos are there?
What do they eat?

Skinks look like snakes with legs.
Geckos lick their eyes.

native lizard and geckos

Why do they lick their eyes?
What is their habitat?
I wonder how you get native animals?
I wonder why you work at the museum?

my questions

I wonder why geckos are called geckos?
I wonder why lizards are called lizards?

My questions

What are gecko's skins made out of?
Why have lizards evolved ?
I wonder why the skinks are not the same as geckos?

I wonder?

.I wonder why lizards evolved?
.I wonder why lizards still exist?
.I wonder what lizard's skin is made of?
.I wonder how they make eggs?
.I wonder what their D.N.A looks like?
.I wonder why they have coloured skin?

my questions

Are lizards and geckos friends?

Do lizards and geckos live near each other?

my questions

What is inside their body?
if their is a litres?
How their tail grows back?
How lizards find their home?
How lizards climb trees? Answered.
How their life goes round?
How many species?
Geckos have yellow and orange eyes.

lizards have long tails.

what is their habatat.

how miny diferant are there?

My questions

Where do geckos and skinks eat?
How long does their tongue get?
What is their habitat?
What do they eat?

At the muesum I learnt that gecko's skin comes off in large pieces. Skink's skin comes off in little pieces.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Term 3 Inquiry

We have started Term 3 by immersing ourselves into our new topic 'New Zealand native animals and plants'. Our big idea for this term is

Native animals and plants are unique to New Zealand.

We have been writing down our questions and wonderings about our native animals and plants. Further, we visited the South Canterbury Museum in Timaru with its excellent exhibition 'Cold blooded locals'. The children learnt many new things about skinks and geckos.
Watch this space as the children report on their inquiry.