Friday, December 14, 2012

Merry Christmas

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
This past term has been very busy with many activities happening at school. I hope you enjoyed last week’s school production as much as I did. I thought the children did very well and looked fantastic in their colourful costumes.
This term has been challenging for me personally with all of my family catching whooping cough after Labour weekend. The effects of this illness are still lingering after seven weeks. We were all affected in different ways with my husband being the sickest of all of us. Thank you for all your kind words and understanding over this time.
I am very fortunate to be able to visit my family in Switzerland over Christmas with our daughter June. We  will be leaving on Monday, flying to Shanghai, and then on to Zurich.  It is hard to imagine going into winter now that we have had a few warm days, but at least there is hope for a white Christmas after fifteen years of summer Christmases.
Thank you for all your support and interest this year. I have thoroughly enjoyed Ruma Kakapo this year, and I wish you and your children a Merry Christmas and a wonderful break.
Annie Rehmann

Friday, December 7, 2012

It all started when ....

It all started when...   The captain asked me to get his dinner so did the pirates.So I walked to the chef.While chef was cooking their dinner I went to clean the deck then the order flew out of my pocket then the dinner was ready and chef for got to tell me who's was who's so I gave the captain's dinner to the pirates and the pirates dinner to the captain.So he made me walk the plank


Dear Santa
All I would like for Christmas is songs for my ipod -
make -up  - CD's -  toys.
Yours sincerely


On Thursday night was the concert.I was dressed as  a  pirate. My part of play was scene four. My mum came and watched the show. The play was called  treasure. The songs I  did at  the concert was  Rocking and  Rolling and What will we find. My favourite part was when we were performing on stage. My funny part of the play was when  Jake the peg came out.

Dear Santa

Dear Santa
For Christmas I would like a puppy, a 24 inch bike, Ipad, soda stream and an x-box 360 if you can manage.
Thanks a lot
Yours sincerely

Santa letter

Dear Santa
For Christmas could you give me a RC plane that's easy to fly and make it quite small like
my  helicopter please that would be nice santa and I will leave a present under the christmas tree
for a trade with a card on top of the present for you santa.
Yours sincerely

Thursday, December 6, 2012

aimees pirate story

It all started when I was silly.

One day I went to the captain's office and I pulled a silly face.
The captain said "If you do that one more time you are walking the plank''.
But I did it again. The captain said
''Walk the plank!", and thats how it all started.
The end

It all started when...

It all started when I was being silly. I went to see the captain in his office. I was crazy and started pulling silly faces.
"Off you go walk the plank," the captain yelled. " Ha ha ha ". Then he tied a rope to my hands. He was right behind me I was trapped.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

secret hiding spot

1. Exit out the south door.

2. Then walk west.

3.Then walk south  until you get to the playground.

4. Then go 10 steps west when you get to the netball courts.

secret hiding spot

1 Exit out of the door facing north.

2 Walk towards Roma Weka.

3 Take about 60 steps behind Roma Weka.

4 Walk west until you get behind the fence.

Secret hiding spot

  1. Walk out the northern door.
  2. Turn west until you reach the hall.
  3. Go around the corner and run south.
  4. Then go down the west steps.
  5. Now jump on the right rock.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Jack's puppy

Today Jack's puppy came and played in the class with all the kids. It was cute and soft. I got to hold it and it was so cute and cuddly. He was licking me on the lips and the cheek. His breath smelled really bad and disgusting. I wanted to keep the puppy and take it home with me so that it could make me get a fright in the night when it barks and wakes me up and I am huffing and puffing.

The best thing about the holidays...

The best thing about   the holidays was when Aimee and I stayed at Margarets house for a sleepover. We had tea. We started having a party dressing up and we had to go to scottish dancing. We carried on with the party. We went to Margarets room and had juise and jelly beans. Then we watched the fox and the hound. Aimee climbed the ladder and the video case fell on me. When Margaret turned off the movie she poked Aimee three times and she dribbled.

Waimate 50

In the weekend it is the Waimate 50. There will be a lot of people.
Some cars came to our school. The first day we saw them was on Thursday. There was a green one with black stripse. The other one was orange with red eyes instead of head lights. And a low car that was white. A Waimate 50 is a thing were people drive cars and they have races with other cars. People from our school got to have a ride to school if they won a coloring in competition.


On Christmas day me and Andrew are going to have breakfast and then we are going to open our Christmas Present and at the  warehouse I laybuy a toy for Christmas. It is going to be a  bop it  and it is going to be a fun Christmas. My dad is going to get a cup and my mum is going to get a cup too like my dad. And me and Andrew are going to get lots and lots of Christmas present and my dog is going to get dog food and my cat is going to get cat food like my dog. It is going to be a fun Christmas

Jacks puppy

Jacks puppy is so cute. I wish it was mine. I love it. It runs around in circles. It's so tiny. Everyone wanted to pet it and keep it but Jack always said no. Heaps of people kept asking if they could take it home.

I am going to australia

In November I am going to Australia and the best thing is that its only me and mum going
because my brother has exams at school. And my other brother Bryce  has camp at school. And dad has a really big job at Lister home. He is building lots of bathrooms.
 And in Australia I'm going to see my Cousins, Auntie,Nanny,Popper and Uncle.


THE BEST THING in the holidays was that my friend Brett came for the day and when we went and got him. We had to help my dad get cows to the yards and Brett and I had to stand in the gate way and Keygon came and got us. Then we went home and built a hut and we built three with battens and there was no nais and we went on the bike trailer and we put our boots out the door( at the back that's how you get in) and we pushed them into the ground and they would fal off! Ad we would yell stop! and we would have to go and get them and my boots came off the most.


On Saturaday I am going to Waimate 50 and I am getting icecream and then I am going to the White Horse
and at Waimate 50 I will see Zarleigha. We saw the race cars. I saw the yellow race car and a blue race car to and a red car.

Going to Joe's house!!!!!!!!!?

On Saturday I am going to Joe's house for a sleepover if I'm allowed to. When I get dropped off at Joe's house me and Joe do comics and I do the adventures of Captain Diaper Boy and Hamburger. On Sunday me and Joe will scooter to the Waimate 50. I can't wait!!!!!

me going to Moeraki

On Saturday I am going to Moeraki. It is going to be fun because everyone is going to be there. Ethan and lots of other people.

The weekend

In the weekend Thomas is coming to my house for a sleepover.We
might go to the Waimate 50.We also could make comics. It will be FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At night we might watch a movie. I want to watch Ghost rider 2. I want to get money and go to the dairy or Lotsa Lollies.

going to the lakes

Today I am going to the lakes. It will be fun. I will drive the jetski. It would be the best part. I will take Bevan for a big long joy ride on the jet ski. He will like it. The lake will be very very cold. But I will still go in. Jack and I will go for a run around it.

ride in racing car

On Thursday I won the ride to school in a racing car. At home I was watching TV then Mum came in and said "they are here." I got my bag and went out. My dad took a photo and the man who takes photos for my newspaper.
It was very fun. Then dad followed us to school.

Seeing my uncle

On the 30th my uncle is coming to see the Waimate 50. He really likes cars, he thinks they're awesome. He is staying till the end of the Waimate 50. I really can't wait till he gets here. Last time he came he showed me this superhero clip on his laptop. It was called HULK VS WOLVERINE. I hope he is going to bring his laptop again. I have planned what we're going to do.

waimate 50

Tomorrow is the car racing. Me and my family are going at night. We might be getting hot chips. Then on Sunday I am going to go to  the day race to see the cars race. I hope a yellow car wins.


In the term three holidays I went up to Auckland to see my cousins Amy and Ben. Amy is 11 and Ben is 8. The day after we arrived we scooted to the snakes and ladders playground. I came second. When we were going back to Christchurch we saw Jason of NZ got talent. Quinn dared Ben to go give him a hug but Ben didn't. 

Going to Christchurch

On Sunday me Dad and Mum are going to the speedway.

the waimate 50

In the holidays I am going to the Waimate 50 and I am going to go there with my Mum and my Dad and my sisters and we are going to have fun.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My character

My character has blue hair and green biceps. He's also got a six pack top. His Name is Hulk Biceps. He can run very fast too. He is smoking. And he has got yellow earrings and red eyebrows.


Every Wednesday we have kiwican. Dom and Tim take us for it we do it in the hall.We play all sorts of games and other stuff to do with respect. At the end Tim Dom and Mrs Rehmann would add up all our points.After that people that were good all week in class they would become King or Queen and before next Wednesday they would have to come up with a question for next week. the King would pick a Queen and the would pick a new King. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

My birthday

My birthday is going to be awesome with all my friends like Bailey Riley and ben.d
we are going to have a sleep over we will be going to timaru and go to the new pool.It WAS FUN.

flood day

When I got back from school  our farm was flood .We have a little strem  on our farm. I nomrally go swmming in there and rowing it is fun.

Room 2 is cool

Yes, it is by Szhyiem. Posted on the iPad.

Kiwi can

Kiwi Can we play lots of games. Our leaders are Tim and Dom. The games we played were skittles. My  favourite part in Kiwi Can was when we dressed up in what our country of what we had on our flags.And my other favorite thing was learning how to respect our self .At the end we get points for how well we do in the class room and at kiwican session.We also get a king and queen.Theyb get to sit where ever they want.And they get to ask question.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I like to go on the farm with my Dad.It is fun going on the farm with my Dad because Iget to see all the cute lambs in spring and geting pet lamb.They are fun to feed and to play with them.The dogs come to help get all the sheep and lambs to dock.Docking is when we put rubber rings around their tails.

Aerofoil experiment

On Wednesday we did an aerofoil experiment.We used all kinds of equipment like blowdrier, straws, paper and string. We had to thread the string through the straws.And once we did that we had to tie the two pieces of string together.Then we had a turn with the blowdrier .We had to go to our desks and draw a  aerofoil and label all the parts then we got to coulor.

Kiwi can

Kiwi can is about what Kiwis can do about themselves. Kiwi  can came to Centennial school for some games.
Kakapo met Tim and Dom.Kakapo played skittles. Dom threw the big blue ball too hard that made some of the class get hit by the ball. Joe won the first round and Zac won the second round.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Flight link

The following link is an interactive activity about the shape and size of wings (birds and airplanes). Check out what wing shapes work well for soaring, gliding and more.

Wings for flight Interactive

Thursday, August 23, 2012

My future job

When I'm older I want to be a farmer and an artist. I want to be a farmer because when I was living in England I lived next door to my Grandads farm in the contryside and I got to ride in the tractors and play with Casey on the Quad and feed and play with the animals. And I want to be an artist because I have some talent in drawing.

My best friend

My best friend is Ollie.
Ollie is very funny because he does very funny stuff like really funny accents.
One of his accents is French. And he is very nice because he helps me with my maths sometimes.
And one day he came to my house and I was feeding my two lambs and Ollie helped me with one of my lambs.

Kiwi can

Kiwi can is when you are learning new games and activities. One game is skittes if you get hit by a ball you are out.


My cat had a sore leg so mum took him to the vet. He hissed once. When he was going home he peed in the car and then he came and sat on me. When we got home we gave Muffy some jelly meat and it was the stuff he liked. He is happy now.

my best friend

My best friend is Hazey. He goes to Mangapapa School. I would play with him evey day until I left Mangapapa School. He was the same age as me but I was older than him. I went to every one of his birthdays but I won't be able to now. He was not in the same class as me. He was in Room 17 and I was in Room 5. He was in my class when he was a year 123 and 4, but not year 5. I was in Room 5 and in year 5. We had a big school.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Another week has flown by!

This morning we went to our third session of Kiwisport. The Year 4s learn Cricket skills, and the Year 5s are doing Basketball. Next week we will swap over.
It is wonderful to see the sunshine again! This morning started off very foggy and cold, but we had a great lunchtime outside playing all sorts of things. Unfortunately, the field is too muddy to play on yet.
We have filled our chapter book jar again. So we have read 2x86 books! We have chosen to watch a movie as a reward, but this week has been so busy, we haven't had a chance to watch it yet.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Chapter Book Challenge

This term has started with a Chapter Book Challenge where we encourage each other to read chapter books. The books are sorted into four different groups, according to reading difficulty, font size and number of pages.
Most of our chapter books are from the wonderfully awesome Waimate District Library. They have a great range of children's fiction books from beginning readers to more difficult novels for children. Our school library has of course also got a great range of books. It is pleasing to see so many children now actively searching for a chapter book to read instead of 'just' looking.
So far we have read 86 chapter books (actually, that was the tally last week, so by now it must be over a hundred!)
Our first reward for filling the entire marble of jar (each chapter book gets one marble in the jar) will be watching a movie. Mrs Rehmann is keeping mum about the type of movie though...

Monday, August 6, 2012


A  scientist
A scientist works in lab and asks a lot of questions. They find out about animals and other stuff. They need to wear safety goggles.


A scientist
A scientist is a person who mixes chemicals. They study for a very long time. They wear safety goggles because if they mix liquids they might explode. They measure liquids before mixing. Some scientists studies animals that kind of scientist is a zoologist. There are different scientists: Zoologist you already know what they do. Biologist they study living things. My favourite is a paleontologist. They search for fossils.


What is a scientist?
A scientist is a person who discovers new things like chemicals and laptops. They use special containers measuring cups and spoons. They also wear special goggles to protect their eyes. There are also different types of scientists, for example: zoologist, biologist, geologist, astronomers.


              A scientist
A scientist is a person who works at a lab.
A lab is a place where you discover animals and measure chemicals and you look at bugs using a microscope.    
A microscope is like a telescope but smaller and you don’t look up into the sky.
You look at bugs and animals. They normally wear a white coat with black pants.
There are lots of different scientists.
A zoologist studies animals and a meteorologist studies the weather.


A scientist is a person who discovers new creatures and puts chemicals with chemicals, and some of the time if they are unlucky, it might explode!!! A scientist makes magnet shoes also. Also there are lots of names for scientists, for example: biologist, zoologist, chemist, meteorologist and there’s lots more.


A scientist

A scientist is a person who studies lots and uses lots of equipment like test tubes, microscopes, blow guns and machines. Lots of scientists study dinosaur bones and fossils. They are called paleontologists. (I once met a paleontologist with my old school.)
There are lots of different types of scientists, for example: biologists (biologists study living things), zoologists (zoologists study animals), meteorologists (meteorologists study the weather and climate).


A scientist
A scientist helps people. He or she makes things like food, planes, wheelchairs, computers and experiments.

Ben D

There are heaps of scientists who discover stuff. They study things like animals and the weather. A scientist who studies animals is called a zoologist.


A scientist
A scientist is a person who is clever and discovers heaps of bones and dinosaur bones too. They make stuff out of potions. There are heaps of scientists like zoologists and biologists. There is a scientist with a dog that finds poo, like wolf poo and mountain lion and bear poo. A zoologist studies animals.


A scientist is a person who makes liquids. They make potions by mixing different liquids together. They can find dinosaur bones in the desert and they can build robots. They can make their own liquid on what they make to come a live.


A scientist is a person who works in a labcoat. They mix chemicals to make medicine, dishwashing liquids and equipment like that. They also discover new species of animals, plants and microbes.
Some scientists study animals and some study earthquakes. Scientists also discover bones from dinosaurs and cavemen.
There are lots of different types of scientists like chemist, paleontologists, biologists, botanics, seismologist, physicists, astronomers, meteorologist. Chemists make medicine and pills. Paleontologists find bones and fossils. A biologist is a scientist who studies living things.


A scientist has a lab and a lot of gear such as laptops. They have goggles to protect their eyes. We saw a scientist with a dog. He smelled animal poo like bear’s and wolves’ and discovered other animals.

Welcome to Term 3

We are already into Term 3! Our blog has suffered from sleepiness, but that's about to change. This term our focus is science. We are learning about flight. As a start, we asked ourselves what a scientist is.
What do you think a scientist is or does?

Friday, June 1, 2012

To do list

  • ask Mr Jury if he wants to be involved
  • crowd
  • kids
  • piknik
  • funny
  • mum and dad came
  • create a speech for Mr Jury


Ruma Kakapo Citizenship Ceremony

  • ask Mr Jury
  • create a certificate
  • send invitations
  • have fun
  • be yourself
  • have flags
  • have music
  • have dancing

NZ citizenship

A NZ citizen is a person who has NZ citizenship and can stand for Parliament. You are allowed to have a NZ passport or be an All Blacks captain.
There are thee ways to becoming a NZ citizen.
If your mum was born in  England and your dad was born in NZ, and your mum came to NZ because your dad was born in NZ so you are a NZ citizen by descent.
You have to be a permanent resident for 5 years. You can hold the Bible or Koran. If you do not want to hold anything you can say the affirmation of alligance.

NZ Citizenship

A NZ citizen is a person who has NZ citizenship. You can stand for parliament and yon can stand for PM of New Zealand and become an All Black captain.
There are three ways to become a New Zealand citizen.
If you were born in New Zealand you are NZ citizen.
(by birth)
The second way is by descent, that is when your Mum or Dad is a New Zealander you are one too.
The third way is by grant. First you have be permanent resident for 5 years. Next you need to fill out a form.

To do list

Ruma Kakapo Citizenship ceremony
Ask Mr Jury if he wants to be involved.
Have lunch when the ceremony is over = who? and what?
What time should the ceremony be on?
Create a certificate.
How many people should be there?
Should we split the rows down the middle?
We should give out invitations.
Where should people stand?
Where should we do it?
We should sing the National Anthem.
What time of day should we do it?
We should have a teacher for the person to shake their hand.


A NZ citizen is a person who has NZ Citizenship. They can stand

for PM. They can become the All Black`s captain and represent NZ.
There are three ways of becoming a NZ Citizen. If you were born in NZ you are a NZ ( By Birth). If your Mum or Dad were born in NZ you`re also one (By Descent). The third way is by grant. That means if you were born for example in usa and you want to be a NZ Citizen you have to live in NZ for 5 years, then you go to a ceremony (by grant). Before you go to a ceremony you have to fill in a form to be a citizen. Also when you`re name gets called out you get a certificate.

NZ citizenship

A NZ citizen is a person who has a NZ citizenship and they can stand for parliment, and you can be the captain of the All Blacks.

There are three ways of becoming a NZ  citizen.

If you were born in NZ you are a NZ citizen by birth.

If your Mum or Dad was born in NZ you are a NZ by descent.

The final one is by grant. Grant means be a permanent resident for five years. Then fill out a application form. Then you go to a ceremony and get your certificate and plant and you hold the Bible or the Koran. When you swear your oath or you can say a affirmation of allegiance and that is different because  you don't hold the Bible. Then they call out your name and give you your certificate and plant.

to do list

.Make after noon tea
.invite people
.set it up in the hall
.ask Mr Jury if he wants to be the mayor
.have just the senior block
.sing the national anthem
.get a plant for everyone
.create a certificate
.put flags on the data projector
.where should the people stand?
.where should the people dance?
.who should where nice clothes?
.what time will it be?
.make an announcement
.who should be the mayor?

NZ citizenship

A NZ citizen is a person who can stand for parliment
and become the All Blacks captain and they can have
a passport.
But you have to be a permenant residant for five
years before you can become a NZ
There are three ways to become an NZ
The first way is by birth.By birth is when you were born
in NZ.
The next way is by descent.Descent is when your mum or dad
was born in NZ.
The final way is by grant.Grant is when you go to your computer
and print of an application form off on a speacial website.Once
your application is accepted you go to a ceremony and you can swear an oath
and if you don't want to do that you can say the affermation of allegience.

nz citizenship

A NZ citizen is a person who has NZ citizenship. There are three ways to be came a NZ citizen . If you were born in NZ  you are a NZ citizen by birth.You can be came a captain for the ALL BLACKS. 

By grant: you have to wait 5 years to be a NZ citizen but you have to sign a form to go to a ceremony. you can hold the bible or the koran if you want to or you can do the affirmation of alligance. You will get a certificate at the end. They will ask you to come for afternoon tea.

NZ citizenship

A NZ citizen is a person who has NZ citizenship and can stand for parliamant.
There are three ways of becoming NZ citizen.
If you were born in NZ you are a New Zealander by birth.
If Your mum or dad are New Zealanders you are one to by descent.
You have to be a permanent resident for five years. You can fill out an applicatoin form.You have to apply to the department of  internal affairs.
Once your application form is accepted......
You are ready to go to a ceremony.  You also can hold the Bible or the Kouran when you swear your oath.
Or say an affirmation of allegiance. Your name gets called out and you get a certificate of citizenship.
A certificate is where you  get your name on it.Then they put there name on it.

my NZ citizenship report

NZ citizenship.

A NZ citizen is a person who can have a NZ passport because she or he has NZ citizenship.

There are three different ways to become a NZ citizen.

* If you were born in NZ you are a NZ citzen.This is called by birth. 

* If your Mum or Dad was born in NZ your are a NZ citizen.This is called by descent.

* If you apply to become a permanent resident after five years you
can apply to become a NZ citizen. Then you go up on the stage and you get a certificate. This is called by grant. 

To do list

Ruma kakapo citizenship roceremony
  • ask Mr Jury if he wants to be involed 
  • afternoon tea -who?-what?
  • create a certificate
  • were should we stand?
  • who should be the mayor?
  • lunch in the hall
  • where should we have it?
  • what time?
  • who should come?
  • what should it be about?
  • how many classes should come?
  • what should we say?
  • music
  • flags
  • people
  • certificates
  • plants
  • people dancing
  • national anthem
  • announcement
  • rules
  • swear oath
  • birth
  • decent

Thursday, May 31, 2012

NZ citizen

A  New Zealand citizen is a person who has New Zealand citizenship. They can stand for parliment. You're allowed to have a NZ passport. You're allowed to represent New Zealand with music. Or you could become the All Blacks captain.

There are three ways of becoming a NZ citizen.
The first one is your mum or dad were born here that is called by descent.

The second one is you can be a NZ citizen if you were born here. That is called by birth.

And the last way is you can aply to get NZ citizenship and fill in a application form.You have to pay a aplication fee. When you are at a NZ citizenship ceremony you can swear in oath while holding the Bible or Affirmation of Allegiance.You can get a plant or flowers. And get a certificate.Now you are a NZ citizen by grant!!!by Grace  
Ruma Kakapo citizenship ceremony                                                                                                                
Nz citizenship

.A nz citizen is a person

Thursday, May 10, 2012



Ssssounds  of  autumn

Splash  splash  splash

Water  being  sprayed  around


Buzz  buzz  buzz

Bees are buzzing along

Tweet  tweet  tweet

The birds are in the sky flying

ssssoundsn of autumn

Ssssoundsn of autumn      
The wind in leaves
The wind.
Sounds of autumn

 Crunch, crunch
 Crunch, crunch

 As children run across leaves.

Swish, swish
 swish, swish
 As the wind blows the trees.

 Tweet, tweet,tweet
 As the birds sing a song


Sssounds of autumn  
Ssh Ssh
The wind in the trees
Swish swish
Water being sprayed around
Crunch crunch
The leaves are crunching on the ground
Chirp chirp
Said the birds in the trees

Autumn Aidan

Ssssounds of autumn
Ssh ssh
Leaves in the trees
Swish swish
Water being blown
Crunch Crunch Crunch
As I jump in a  leaf pile
The leaves in the trees.

Thomas autumn poem


Ssssounds of autumn Crunch crunch crunch When you are walking on the leaves
Swish swish swish
The leaves on the trees Tter tter tter
The leaves on the ground
Whee! whee! whee!
the leaves are falling  down
Boing boing boing I’m jumping on the pile of leaves

Ssssound of autumn

Ssssounds of autumn

 Crunch crunch crunch
When I walk on the leaves

Swish swish swish
Goes the wind blowing the trees

 Crackle crackle crackle
Running with paper in the wind

Woosh woosh woosh
 A big pile of leaves on the ground
by Bailey