Wednesday, May 22, 2013


As we are just learning how to write a quality comment on someone's blog post, I am excited that Ruma Kakapo has signed up for quadblogging with three other schools - two from the UK, and one from Australia.
Quadblogging is when four blogs take turns at reading each other blogs. Every week, a different blog is the focus blog, and the other three blogs are commenting. Read more about it here:
I have made contact with the other schools, and as soon as we have a rotation set up, we can start to read, write and comment.
In the meantime, can we hone our writing skills to show off our best writing?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Silly List

                                                   SILLY LIST                   

                      (I DID NOT DO THESE THINGS)    

1. Got swallowed by a farter shark  

2. Fell into the pond  
3. Ate a smelly princess out of the toilet  

4. Smelled a dog's bottom                           

Take five

I am Jack. I go to zoo school.
One day I stole the teacher's new saucepan and they caught me and abolished me.
5 months later they wanted me back. 
I got a request.
The next day I went back to school. They had bought a frog while I was gone. When it saw me it hid in the bush.

take 5

Aaah! The power went out. I know what I'll do. I will light a candle.
There. Where is the flame? I saw something sparkling. I went to check it out. It was treasure. I opened the lid. There were heaps of pink things and there was a crystal that led me into a cave that led into a library.

Golden things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One afternoon I went to the library and I found a piece of paper. It had three things to find. To find more treasure the first thing I had to find was a rainbow candle with gold in it. The next thing I had to find was a golden crystal and the last object I had to find was a golden egg so I set off. When I got all the things the BIG thing a golden kiwi that laid golden crystal.


I am a explorer. Now time to get on to the story. One day I found a candle. It was magic. You can wish for whatever you want. I wished for a box of treasure. The box was pink. There was a crystal in it. I took it to the library.


 The Dinosaurs lived long ago. The huge giants hunted in packs or herds. T-Rex
 was a meat eater. It could kill with one bite. Botresoris is a plant eater often attacked by T-Rex+rater. A meteor might have hit earth and killed all the dinosaurs. Nobody knows.

The frog eating girl (Take 5)

One day Amy was down the street and saw a delicious frog so that day she took it home. She had to hide from her mum because she hated frogs.
That night Amy set on a request to sneak the frog into the kitchen, grab the saucepan and cook the frog for dinner. She ate it as fast as she could so her mum wouldn't find out.
The next minute Amy burped. Her mum asked what she had been eating.

Take five:    
use five given words to write a story in 5 minutes.

take 5

Swimming for my life for treasure.
Craw craw craw!
Pirates shoot library candles at us.
They use bombs and guns. They are using blood chips and cake from KFC. 1000,000,000,000 gold coins are in the chest.

my remarkable weekend

my remarkable weekend

In the awesome'st weekend I ever had we went to Cromwell. We got there really late at night. We stayed at my older brother Tim's house. My nephews Tristan and Jayden were asleep. Me and my brother stayed up till eleven watching TV in our beds.
The next day we went to Tristan's rugby. He scored six tries. Then we went back to Tim's house and had Jayden's birthday party. We played pass the parcel. Conner won. He had a spider man birthday cake. We opened his presents then went down stairs to play with them. His favourite present was skylanders.
Later on me, my brother and my brother in law played dart tag outside. Soon when everybody left me and my brother and my other brother Tim went to the park. My brothers played with the rugby ball, I played on the playground. There were these really cool monkey bars that spin around and you've got to spin around on them. They were really hard at the start but now they're easy. Then we went back home, watched TV for a little bit and picked up Jayden from Conner's birthday party. Then we came back home and had tea.
When it was half past six we listened to music and played the PlayStation. When it was half past seven Tristan and Jayden went to bed. Me and my brother watched TV and played with the big exercise ball. I fell asleep with the TV on and Tim turned it off.
The next day was Sunday. Mothers day. I gave mum a card with a balloon and some Roses tapped to the envelope. We went to the park and played cricket with Cody, Joe, dad, and Tristan. Jayden was too busy playing skylanders. After cricket we went back to Tim's house, packed up our stuff and went home. I had an awesome weekend.

The frog

One day I went to the park. I took my dog with me for a walk. My dog caught a frog so I took it home.  My mum cooked it in the saucepan. I got a delicious cupcake.

take kive

take five

I was having tea with candles. I bit in to my meat and I found a crystal. It was pink. My eyes nearly popped out. So we went to the library to look for a book that had something to do with it. I found out that the pink crystal will show up in meat with candles. You could trade it in for 2000000;00000 dollars. Nah I want a pink crystal.

Take Five Dollars$

Take five is when our
class does something
when we have five
minutes to write
as much as we
can with some
words you have
to have in
your take five

The girl entered the library holding the candle. She slid the pink book out of the shelf and slid through the gap. The room behind the shelf had mountains and mountains of treasure. On top of one pile of treasure there was a crystal blue as the sky. She swallowed the Crystal in one big gulp. 
"Mmmmmm!" She said. The girl jumped on top of the piles one after an other, eating all the treasure. She tried sliding back out the gap {now fat} she could not fit she was too fat! 
So she lived the rest of her life in the room like a prisoner. Then one day a fairy god mother came and tapped her wand on her and flew away. All of a sudden she turned in to a fat overweight toad and floated up in to heaven.


Take five

One day I went shopping. On the way there I saw a frog. Finally I got to the shop. I got a delicious corn. When I got home I found a request. It said please make the corn for me in this special sauce pan that talks. I need to hide! What if it eats me...?
It's coming.... ahhhhhhhh! 

Take Five

Take five is where you have five minutes to write a story. Plus, you have to include five certain words. Our words were library, crystal, pink, candle, and treasure. We worked really hard on them so, enjoy.

I was helping the librarian in the library one day when I suddenly saw a glint in the corner. I had found a secret passage! But it was too dim to see anything. So I grabbed a nearby candle and went down the stairs.

 Going deeper and deeper, looking at the cobwebs and scurrying mice, I came across a treasure chest. In front of the chest was a rusty key to open it. I blew off the dust and coughed. then I opened the chest and inside the chest WAS...... clothes. Pink clothes with pictures of crystals on them.

 I sighed. But then, I thought, then realized, that pink was not a bad colour. So, I put them on to see if they would fit and they did. Yay!

The End.

Take Five

Take five
I went to the library to find a treasure chest with a candle on top. So I opened it up. It had pink crystals in it so I told them to come and look at it. So they grabbed some of them and felt it. But I knew that it was my stuff so people put them back.


I  was looking in my drink with candles all around me. I saw a pink crystal in my drink. I thought it was some treasure. I was going to the library to find out what it was.

Take five

I went in to the library and I found a treasure chest and inside it there was a crystal and a pink candle.

silly list by Mercedes

Awesome silly list of things i did in the hholidays  ( I did not do these things )

1     went to the Darth Farter concert  ha ha ha

2     got swallowed by a goat he just opened his throat

3      swam up a shark's butt / bottom

Thursday, May 9, 2013

silly list of silly things i did in the holidays

  • chopped off my head on purpose
  • a big brown blob landed on me
  • went to the brown hole

My silly list of silly things I did in the silly holidays

  • Ate my brother
  • Put my face in white cake 
  • Ate the red queen
  • Ate dog biscuits and everyone blew up
  • put strawberries on my face

shape quiz

My shape has 4 faces and 4 vertices. What shape am I?

silly list of ugly things

1. Slammed the door on my fingers on purpose

2. went to bowl the bowling ball but didn't let go and slid down the thing

3. my undies went on fire

4. fell of the back of my chair

5. fell down the toilet and went to the shower

who am I?

My shape has 6 faces and 8 vertices. It is called a......take a guess.

Silly list of silly things we sillily did in the silly holidays.

1. ran around the house while getting chased by a dog with rabies

2. fell into the tumble dryer

3. drank some 100 year old milk

4. got my head stuck in a vase (this actually happened)

5. ate my cat

6. crawled on the lawn while eating a telephone

7. ate too much sugary food and started bouncing off the walls and running around like a phycho kid

8. had a itch on my back and scratched it on a large cheese grater

9. ate my dog

10. ate dog roll

11. ate cat food

12. fell into a quicksand pit

13. lay down in a coffin with a bunch of aggressive snakes

14. got buried alive

15. let a phycho killer into the house

16. kept a rattlesnake as a pet

17. sold my kidneys on the Internet

18. ate a tube of super glue

19. poke a stick at a grizzly bear

20. swam in a pool filled with piranhas

21. got my toast out with a fork

22. did my own electrical work for the house

23. put myself in a stray jacket

24. never took my pills to make sure I stay normal and not go crazy

25. dressed up as a moose on hunting season

26. disturbed a beehive for no good reason

27. walked across a train track while it was coming

who am I?

My shape has 6 faces and 8 vertices.


in the silly holidays

!  got a paper cut went to the doctor he said you cut paper paper doesn't cut you.

! did a high five and my hand came off.

! was about to eat a pineapple it slipped out of my hand and got stunk on my head.

! sat on a chair and squashed an apple and fell over.

Silly list of silly thing we did in the silly holiday

  •   run around the house  while being  chased  by a dog with  rabies
  • farted so hard I went to the moon
  • ate my cousin                                                            ate a smelly sock
  •  ate my mum
  • ate a book
  • ate my friend Sophie=(


my silly list of things I did in the holidays

  •  ate my cousin
  •  ate some paint
  •  ate a castle
  •  ate the orange queen
  •  ate a dogs biscuits

who am I?

My  shape  has  4  faces  and 4  vertices.

                       CARLY'S SILLY LIST

 1. farted so hard i tripped over
 2. ate my most loved teddy
 3. ate my baby cousin
 4. smelt a hobos butt
 5. cleaned my self with my tongue
 6. drank some 100,000 year old ketchup
 7. licked an old mans face
 8. ran around the town barking like a dog
 9. drank out of the toilet
 10. crawled up the wall
 11. rode a TV
 12. got a Itch on my butt so rubbed it on a large cheese grater
 13. ate my cats food
 14. ate a smelly Jim sock
 15. got buried alive by the funeral company
 16. joined the army
 17. sold my heart on the Internet
 18. lick my dog
 19 swam in a pool of piranha's
 20. asked if i could live with a stranger
 21. sold my parents in a garage sale
 22. lived in a pig stiy with two pigs as parents

The secret spider [play]

                            Dad- children how about we go to see your uncle spider this weekend
mum               brother-  na bro the footballs on
uncle               mum- I don't think that's such a bad idea
sister               dad- listen to me we are going to see your uncle 
dad                  spider this weekend and that is that
brother            baby- waa waa waa
baby                brother- be quiet
reader              sister- ok I'll get my things
                        reader so the family packed there things and drove off
                        dad- where here
                        mum- yay
                        brother I want some food
                        sister- me too
                        baby- I can talk
                        mum- well that's a surprise
                        reader- what the family didn't notice was that there was a big spider on baby
                        then they walked in
                        uncle- well hi there
                        dad- hi we came to visit you and stay with you for the weekend
                         baby- and i can talk
                         uncle wait a minute did you notice a big spider on baby
                         family- no
                         uncle- oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh um that spider is the secret spider we've 
                         got to find it
                         mum- we didn't notice it
                         uncle- all we have to do is find it
                         reader-they searched everywhere and everywhere but they just couldn't find it
                         uncle-its know use
                          mum if we keep looking we will find it  
                          uncle- wait I think I know where we haven't looked
                          dad- where
                          uncle- the adic
                          sister- we'll never find it in there
                           brother- yea
                           uncle- it's our only hope
                           dad- it's worth a shot
                            reader- so they looked over and under piles of furniture
                            uncle- I found it
                            everybody- hooray
                            reader- so the family stayed with there uncle spider and keep't the secret spider

silly list of silly things we did in the silly holidays

  • ran around the house naked
  • ate the cat
  • ate stuffing from a teddy
  • kissed the muddy ground
  • drank out of the toilet
  • jumped out of an airplane with out a parachute

Who am I?

My shape has 6 faces and 8 vertices.

silly list of things I did in the holidays

  • swam into a shark's bottom
  • ate my dads food
  • ate your mum 
  • ate my dad's glasses
  • got eaten by a flower
  • ate your fish

Who am I?

3 corners
3 edges
1 face

8 vertices
8 edges
6 faces

Silly list of silly things we did in the sily holidays

  • ran around the house naked
  • drank out of the toliet
  • kissed the muddy ground
  • ate the cat
  • jumped out of an aeroplane without a parachute
  • ate a teddy

Who am I ?

I have 10 facesand16 vertices

who aM I



Who am I?

I have 10 faces.
I have 8 vertices.

What shape am I?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


For the next three weeks we are learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Look at the things we are using on these photos.

Welcome to Term 2

Dear parents and caregivers,
I hope that you and your family have had a great break, and that your child is keen for a new term of learning.

I went to an education conference in Christchurch last week with my colleagues from school. It was an inspiring and exciting event and I am keen to try out some of the new things I’ve learned.

This week’s homework is reading a book from home and basic facts. Here is the Basic facts programme as a reminder:
Each child has a set list of Basic Facts to learn for the week. There are four sheets for the children to fill in, one for every day.

Day 1: Complete the facts and get them checked. Take as long as you like. Study the ones you got wrong. Why were they wrong?
Day 2: Practise the facts, trying to get all correct. Rewrite the wrong ones.
Day 3: Time yourself to complete all facts.
Day 4: Time yourself to see if you can complete them within 4 minutes.


This term we are learning about celebrations in New Zealand and around the world. This will involve talking to you about special celebrations in your family, and inviting people from different countries to talk about their celebrations.

Towards the end of the term, we will be planning a special celebration – how, when, where will be up to the children to work out.

Cross Country

Our school cross country event is in week 3. We will be practicing our run when/if the weather allows it. All children will set themselves a goal to work towards and see if they can improve in their own fitness.

Towards the end of the term, your child will receive a Portfolio and report. We will have parent interviews then as well.

Please don’t hesitate to come and see me if you have any questions or concerns at any time.

Have a great week,

Annie Rehmann