Friday, October 16, 2009

binky the goat kid

Binky is cute and a boy. He is soft and it makes a cute noise. I fed it some milk on the first day it was at school. I made a funny noise when it was drinking the bottle.

binky the babay goat

Binky the goat came to school. Its Mrs Rehmanns goat. I got to feed it in the afternoon on Wednesday. The baby goat has long ears. When you feed him he makes a funny sound. One time at play I helped Cassidy look after him until the bell rang.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Binky the Goat Kid

Binky the goat is as cute as a lamb. Binky is really small and we're really tall. It was funny when he peed because it was for a long time. It was cool when we fed him. I was surprised that he felt funny. He was as white as a snow flake. It would be nice if I saw a girl goat. His feet were dirty when he was walking around. His nose is as pink as a pig and his eyes are bluey.


On Wednesday Mrs Rehmann brought her baby goat Binky to school for us to feed and to look at him. At brain break some people got to feed him and some people got to feed him at play time. Binky is white as snow and cute and he is so tiny. If your legs are apart he walks through them like you are a tunnel. Binky's mum doesn't feed him.

Binky the goat kid

Binky the goat kid
Is a very happy goat
When anybody saw him
They would fill with joy
It is cute when he runs
So he is here today
So everyone shouts horray!

Binky the Kid

Mrs Rehmann has a baby goat in Ruma Kakapo. He is getting so fat because he is thirsty. Binky was happy because he was wiggling his tail. He is so so cool. He has white fur and he's so soft. He is the best goat ever in the world.


Ruma Kakapo got to feed the little baby goat and it was happy. After we fed the baby goat it went up the stairs into Ruma Kakapo. Binky has brown eyes and he has a pink nose.

Binky the goat

Binky the goat came to Centennial. He is so cute. Binky's fur is so soft. When I fed him it sounded very funny. His eyes are blue.

Binky the goat kid

Binky the goat kid wagged his tail when he was drinking his milk. His fur is white and soft. He looks like a lamb.


Boy goat he is cuddly.
It's white.
Nice and soft wool.
Kid means baby goat.
Young and little he is very noisy as well.

Binky the kid

Binky is a cute goat. He is white as snow binky is fluffy and silly.

Binky the baby goat.

Be a goat named Binky
I know a goat named Binky
Now the class has seen Binky
Kicks like a little cute kid and has
Yellow nice hooves

To make a nice troddall
He makes himself special
End of his drink he says baaaa

Go Binky go
On in the cage he says baaa baaa baaa
A little noisy goat a noisy goat
Thats the right noise Binky

Kid goats are very cute
I want a goat I want a goat
Does Binky know how cool he is???
Binky the goat kid
Room2 had a goat. It was white as snow. It keep on bahing and I got to feed it. when it was
drinking it was wagging its tail side to side and making a weird sound. It was funny. now I want
a goat.

binky the goat kid

Binky's coat feels soft. It's nose is pink. In his mouth is wet stuff. He is outside in a cage and we can hear him.

binky the goat kid

Binky is cute.We heard a slurping noise. He is white as snow. He is nice.

binky the goat kid

binky is cute.we heard a slerping noise. He is white as snow. He is nice.

Binky the goat kid

B Binky is a little goat

I Is alot of fun

N Not afraid of people

K kind of funny

Y Yet he's still funny

When I patted him it felt funny. His eyes are blue. When I gave him a drink he went to see Monique, we only got to feed him for five seconds!

G Great to play/cuddle with.

O Other things to do with him.

A Always cute.

T Trying to get our attention.

binky the goat kid

The goat was white. It looked like it had blood shot eyes. It went up moniques skirt twice. Some people didn'
t get to feed
It peed on the grass.
Its eyes were greenlike.
The weather was grey.
It was pale.

binky the goat kid

The goat was white. It looked like it had blood shot eyes. It went up moniques skirt twice. Some people didn'
t get to feed
It peed on the grass.
Its eyes were greenlike.
The weather was grey.
It was pale.

Binky the goat kid

Binky the goat got full at school.

He went for a pee and he's not a she.

He peed on the grass not the glass.

The grass is green and it's like his been in a washing machine.

The eyes are blue not some bits of a shoe.

Binky the goat kid

Mrs Rehmann brought her goat to school. Binky was really loud. Binky's nose is pink his fur is as white as snow and feels like a cloud. Binkys eyes are brown. I think Binky is cheeky because he looked up my skirt. Binky is cuter than our pet lambs.

Everyone crowded around Binky when he went toilet.

binky the goat kid

binky is a goat. Hes cute. He is cool
it is a boy.he is white he fells soft
he has broney bluey eyes. he makes
funny sounds. he has a pink nose and
binky is tiny.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Welcome to Term 4!

Welcome back to another term of learning.

Today we had a little goat kid at school. His name is Binky, and his mother didn't feed him properly so now he will be handraised. Because he is only 3 days old he needs to be fed every 2-3 hours. The children enjoyed feedig and patting him.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Egbert's Diary

Tena Koutou

Well, we are all here in Invercargill. And to think it was only yesterday that my new ambassador friends and I were all hanging out together – on the washing line! You see, we all had to be washed in a special antiviral solution before going to Whenua Hou because there is a chance that we may be carrying an unwanted pest, disease or weed species, which is a threat to the biodiversity values of the island. Andrew said I am a pest - only because I was snoring a bit loudly last night!
This is now the farthest south I have ever been. Of course tomorrow we will be even further south, on Codfish Island! Well, weather permitting. Keep your fingers, arms and legs crossed!

Tahi's Diary

Hello everyone
I am glad we are here in Invercargill now. We had a pretty bumpy ride in the aeroplane. Invercargill is a nice little city. It has lots of parks and historic buildings. We had time for a stroll around town and a bite to eat at a cafe. The sun was out and even though it was quite windy we all had an enjoyable time.
Tonight we are staying at a place called Te Shiny Paua. I really want to get a good nights sleep tonight so I am fully prepared for a big day tomorrow. First up will be quarantine, then it's off in a little plane to Codfish Island. Yippee, I can hardly wait!
Till tomorrow.

Biggles' Diary

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Hi everyone

I am glad we are here in Invercargill now. Finally Andrew has finished washing all the gear, as well as us! Cookie was rather nervous about the whole procedure. He was worried he might lose his kookaburra laugh. It's still there though.
We had a pretty bumpy ride to Invercargill in the aeroplane. I blamed Australia because they were westerly winds that came from that direction. Cookie was not amused. Anyway, we are here and the sun is shining. We are all very hopeful about getting onto Whenua Hou tomorrow.
Talk to you then.

Learnz Field Trip

The field trip is underway now. We got the first Diary comment from Andrew this morning. He told us all about the trip to Invercargill and the sightseeing he did with all the ambassadors. Ambassadors are little soft toys which some schools sent along the trip. Unfortunately, we counldn't send Kakasis (Kakabro's sister who is with us until Kakabro gets back from Canada) because she's a bit too big and too heavy. But we enjoyed reading the ambassadors diary comments as well.

Read Legs' Diary entry:

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Yesterday, the ambassadors and I all had to be washed in Trigen antiviral disinfectant. I have heard of washing your mouth out with soap and water but this was something else! Mind you I feel squeaky clean now and am glad I will be allowed to go to Codfish Island.
Anyway, we are here in Invercargill for the night. We went for a walk through the city today. I really enjoyed looking around the Fire Museum. I think I would be a good fire fighter. I mean, think how many hoses I could hold!
Tonight we are staying at a place called Te Shiny Paua. Egbert keeps calling it Te Soggy Oyster! We are all keen on a good nights sleep tonight so we are fully prepared for a big day tomorrow.
Talk to you then.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hi from Canada

Yesterday we when up the Calgary Tower. It was very high and I could see all around the city. There also was a glass floor where we stood on and you could see the roads down on the ground. We are having a great time and Kakabro is to.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

LEARNZ Field Trip 15 - 19 September

Next week we will be going on a virtual field trip to learn more about the Kakapo through Learnz. Here are some of the exciting things we will be doing and learning:

  • Fly from Invercargill and land on the beach of Whenua Hou/Codfish Island
  • Help monitor and care for the chicks and adult kakapo on the island
  • Find out about gadgets used to help the kakapo
  • Meet Andrew, our Learnz field trip teacher

Watch the introductory video now:

Follow the link to the Learnz website on the sidebar.

Friday, September 4, 2009

the kakapo

The kakapo

The kakapo is a parrot which is native to New Zealand.
The kakapo lives in a burrow on ground.
It has dark and light green feathers and 2 strong legs.
The predators of the kakapo are mice, rats, cats and stoats so it lives on predators free island.
It weighs up to 4 kg. It is nocturnal that means it sleeps during the day. There are only 124 left.

By Tandia

The kakapo

The kakapo is a parrot which is native to New Zealand.
The Kakapo has dark green and light feathers with a bit of brown and very strong legs.
They are nocturnal so it sleeps during day and they come out at night.
The kakapo weighs up to 4 kg.

By Shakoya


Kakapo is a parrot which is native to New Zealand and that can not fly.

The kakapo is a nice green colour. When the kakapo sleeps, it sleeps in a burrow. There are
only 124 kakapo left.
So let’s save the kakapo!

By Charlotte

the pukeko

The pukeko is native to nz. It can fly and swim. It sometimes sleeps at day.

the kiwi

the kiwi is a bird that is native to NZ. The kiwi cannot fly.
It is nocturnal that means it sleeps in the day comes out at

The kakapo

The kakapo is a big parrot that lives in a burrow in New Zealand and it’s native to New Zealand.

The kakapo lives in predator free islands. The predators like mice/rats/stoats eat the kakapo

eggs. They are endangered because there are only 124 left. It’s good and bad that it’s flightless.

It’s heavy – up to four kg. The kakapo is light green with dark bits. It’s nocturnal – sleeps during
the day.

By Alex

Kakapo Report

The kakapo is a night parrot that is native to New Zealand.

All of the kakapo has rich green feathers and it lives in a burrow. They can get up to 4kg and some kakapo can be 63cm large. They are long.

There are 124 kakapo left. The kakapo is scared of the predators because they catch the kakapo. By Zoë

the yellow eyed penguin

The yellow eyed penguin is a bird. They are only found in New Zealand. When the penguin is born they have black eyes. They also have black fur with little sparkles. The yellow eyed penguin is the third largest penguin behind the emperor. Two eggs are laid and often both chicks survive.

the pukeko

The pukeko is native to nz and has blue under the nike also it can fly .


The kiwi is a bird that is native to nz.

Its diet is mainly spiders and bugs.

It is a brown bird that has little feathers.

kiwi is a bird that has small eyes and a long beak.

Kiwi have little black marble eyes.

the kakapo

Kakapo report

The kakapo is a parrot that is native to NZ. It has a rich green colour. It is a flightless bird. It has short wings and the kakapo is a nocturnal bird that sleeps in the day. The kakapo sleeps in a burrow. It weights up to 4 kg

By Thomas

sperm whale

They live in the sea and eat crill.

The sperm whale is a mammal. A sperm whale is related to people because they don't have eggs. They blow water through a special hole on the top of their backs. Sperm whales have prickly bristles to trap the crill.
Male sperm whales live up to 50 years. Female sperm whales live up to 30 years. They ONLY give birth when they are 9 years old. They have wrinkly grey skin.

the fresh water eels

The fresh water eel is native to New Zealand.
The fresh water eel is 1 to 2 metres long. It has a golden olive belly and dark green for the back The eel can get up to 60 years old eels can be found all over New Zealand. They mainly live in rivers, islands and lakes but can be found in most types of waters.

The Weka

The Weka is a bird that is native to New Zealand. Its pests are cats, stoats, ferrets and dogs. The weka is flightless. Its eggs are creamy pink and their nests are made of grass or similar material.

The Kakapo

The Kakapo

The kakapo is native to New Zealand. They have cool feathers and live in a burrow. It is 4 kg.
The kakapo can’t fly. It is flightless.
By PaOrA

The kiwi

Kiwi are birds that are native to New Zealand.

Kiwi have little black marble eyes and they have ear holes.

They have a long beak with little holes at the end of their beak so they can breathe. They have little tiny wings.

The female kiwi is bigger than a male kiwi.

The kiwi is a sybol to New Zealand.

Hector dolphin

The Hector dolphin is a mammal which is native to New Zealand. The dolphin is a warm blooded animal. The dolphin can jump out of the water. There is a tv program called: Hector knows best.


The Moa is an extinct bird. The Moa was the biggest bird of its time.
When the Maori people put their feet on New Zealand soil about 800 years ago the Moa were all gobbled up by the Maori people. One fact you can still find there bones.
There were 11 of their species.


Striped Skinks - they are only from the North Island and they live in a burrow. They warm up in the sun.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

HI from Canada

Kakabro and I had a great fly on the plane. I watched wolveren it was great. Today we are going to the zoo and tomorrow we are going to the water slide park. we are having fun.

Love Kakabro and Brandon

Friday, August 14, 2009


Kakapo is a parrot that is native to new Zealand.
The Kakapo look like cucumber, because they are green.
If you see a Kakapo it might be green or brown.

My Kakapo report

The Kakapo is a parrot which is native to New
The Kakapo is green with big strong legs. It is the heaviest parrot in the world.

the kakapo

The kakapo is a type of bird, and the kakapo has samll eyes.
The kakapo is a night parrot and the kakapo has rich green feathers and they have 4 toes.

Alex's report

The kakapo is a type of bird.
The kakapo has small eyes, and has a small crooked brownish white beak. They are nocturnal.


The kakapo is a type of parrot.
It lives in nz and it is native to NZ.
Kakapo are green and their beak is a little bit and brown.


The Kakapo is a parrot and it lives in NZ. It is green and it lives in trees. It weighs 4kgs and it is not a predator. It is a native bird.


Kakapo are night parrots that are native to New Zealand.

They have toes at the back of their feet.

Kakapo are green everywhere on their body.

The Kakapo


The Kakapo is a parrot with a rich green color.

The Kakapo is big.

T= title

C= classification.

D= description


The Kakapo is a parrot. It is native to New Zealand.
It has rich green coloured feathers and has two strong legs.


Kakapo are a nocturnal parrot and there are only 91 left.
The Kakapo is green and some have red eyes.


C The kakapo is a night parrot which is native to New Zealand.
D Kakapo have a rich green feathery colour. It lives in Stewart Island. They got in the Island because of when torset came to NZ dogs and cats came. They have strong thick legs. Kakapo are fairly hevay. It is a flightless bird. They have a browny whitish beak. Kakapo eat fruit. Kakapo are safe. There are onlyabout 91 left in NZ.


my kakapo report


Kakapo is a nocturnal parrot and there are only 91 left.

They have green and brown feathers.


A kakapo is a parrot which is a bird with stong legs & with bright green wings.


kakapo is a parrot that is native to New Zealand.
The kakapo look like cucumber because they are

The kakapo

The kakapo is a flightless bird with beautiful green feathers that blow in the breeze.There are only 91 kakapo left in the world.The kakapo is native to New Zealand.
The kakapo is very cool.



The kakapo is a green parrot it lives in nz

The kakapo is a very cool looking parrot.


The Kakapo is a parrot and it lives in N.Z. It has green feathers and four toes on each foot.

The Kakapo

The kakapo is a humungous parrot and is nocturnal.
The kakapo is a green parrot.

thomas's report

The kakapo is a parrot that is the heaviest parrot in the world and it can't fly
It only comes out at night. The word for it is noctunal. The kakapo
is green and has got black faded spots at the bottom of the kakapo.
It has strong legs.

We are learning to write a report about the kakapo

In Ruma Kakapo we are learning to write an information report. So far we have learnt that an information report has three parts to it:

  1. a title
  2. a general classification
  3. a description

We have started to write a report about the kakapo. You can read the beginning of our reports in the following posts. They are only drafts at the moment. Maybe you can give us some feedback?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

native lizard and geckos

Lizards are similar to geckos

Geckos are good at hiding

Lizards are at the lake

Where do geckos and lizards live?

Do all geckos tails come off?

my questions

How did we get geckos?

Where are geckos from?

native lizards and geckos

Geckos lick their eyes. They are different colours?
I wonder how many geckos and lizards there are in the world?
Why do they have life cycle?
How many different species?
what is in side their boby?
what are their names?
who are their friends?

my question

What is their habitat?
What is their life cycle?


Geckos lick their eyes.

I wonder...

I wonder if lizards hibernate?

I have a comment

Lizards have eyebrows and geckos don't.

native lizards and geckos

Why do they lick thier eyes?
What do they eat?

Geckos lick their eyes.

My questions

How many lizards are in NZ?

What is the most famous lizard?

I wonder...

How many different species of geckos are there?
What do they eat?

Skinks look like snakes with legs.
Geckos lick their eyes.

native lizard and geckos

Why do they lick their eyes?
What is their habitat?
I wonder how you get native animals?
I wonder why you work at the museum?

my questions

I wonder why geckos are called geckos?
I wonder why lizards are called lizards?

My questions

What are gecko's skins made out of?
Why have lizards evolved ?
I wonder why the skinks are not the same as geckos?

I wonder?

.I wonder why lizards evolved?
.I wonder why lizards still exist?
.I wonder what lizard's skin is made of?
.I wonder how they make eggs?
.I wonder what their D.N.A looks like?
.I wonder why they have coloured skin?

my questions

Are lizards and geckos friends?

Do lizards and geckos live near each other?

my questions

What is inside their body?
if their is a litres?
How their tail grows back?
How lizards find their home?
How lizards climb trees? Answered.
How their life goes round?
How many species?
Geckos have yellow and orange eyes.

lizards have long tails.

what is their habatat.

how miny diferant are there?

My questions

Where do geckos and skinks eat?
How long does their tongue get?
What is their habitat?
What do they eat?

At the muesum I learnt that gecko's skin comes off in large pieces. Skink's skin comes off in little pieces.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Term 3 Inquiry

We have started Term 3 by immersing ourselves into our new topic 'New Zealand native animals and plants'. Our big idea for this term is

Native animals and plants are unique to New Zealand.

We have been writing down our questions and wonderings about our native animals and plants. Further, we visited the South Canterbury Museum in Timaru with its excellent exhibition 'Cold blooded locals'. The children learnt many new things about skinks and geckos.
Watch this space as the children report on their inquiry.

Friday, June 12, 2009

doing art is hard

On 11 june 2009 we did art. It was hard and fun. We did houses with not just one side. I worked with Keenan by his desk.


It was a bit hard when we had to draw the house in art.


On Thursday we had to try and draw a house with more than 1 side.

I learnt to draw a house

On Thursday 11th June 2009 I drew a house for my sample book. It looks real. It was a challenge for me.

don't know something yet!!!!

If you don't know something ask someone who is there.

Friday, May 29, 2009

teddy bear

Tummy as white as ice
Eyes are still like a marble
Dumb at dancing
Dumped his wife
You're getting old

Bad at swimming
Evil little vampire
Air hockey
Reign as the queen of my toys

teddy bear

tummy as white as snow
eyes like kittens
don't drink water
don't like cuddles
you're on my nerves

bossy to people
eating chocolate
always asks to bake
reading about teddy bear

angus poem

Tummy as soft as a pillow
Eyes as big as a rubber
Drums as loud as my teddy
Drowsy as a pillow
You're still my friend

But you're still my teddy
Even if I throw you
And I can always feed you
Really love you

teddybear poem

Tummy as warm as a blanket.
Eyes as bright as fire.
Definitely speical.
Diamonds in the sky.
You've been in my life since I was born.

Been in alot of rough things.
Even with a tear in you.
Always hugable.
Really special and cute

ow, that hurt

I slapped my dog's bum
then he ripped off his tounge
and then I slapped my dog's tum
so I battered his bum.



work sheet

Can I do a work sheet?
A work sheet
Say it's a joke
Say I would not do a work sheet
I hate going to school
Did I ever want to do a work sheet
Yeh I say NO

Rae I will not be listening
A work sheet is not me
Eat that right now.

Rhyming couplet

My dogs are dumb.
I brought some gum.

The girl and the pearl

I bought a violet pearl

for a little blonde haired girl .

go guitar

I strum my guitar
and play the song 'go far'

spider man

Powers is spider webs
It's cool
Doom is what he faces
Eddy is his worst enemy
Rich guy is the big man

Mighty is his game
Any baddy he faces
Needs to trace their moves

teddy bear

Teddy's stomach as hard as a rock
Eye's as soft as a Kitten
Dusty stomach like fire ashes
Dusty hair like dust
Your eye's look funny

Bed is small
Even if your falling apert

And the tread unravel's you'll still
Ratal like a bell

teddy bear acrostic poem

teddy bear do you love me
eyes like love burning
definitely yes i love you
dimonds shining in her eyes
you're in my life forever

besty for life
easy to love you
and i love tucking you into bed
realling love you

Cat-mat poem

My fluffy fluffy cat

sits on a circle mat.

Rhyming couplet

My cat is very dumb
becaues it eats losts of gum.


Over the last few days and weeks Ruma Kakapo has been writing and reading poetry. We had a go at writing rhyming couplets and acrostic poems. Do you like our poetry?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


In ruma kakapo there is a special bird. It is a boy. His name is Kakabro. He is a cute bird. He loves our classroom. He is 8 years old. His colour is kakariki. He likes to look at our work. He likes to have a sleep. He likes to go home with good people.


He is cool, and he is the best bro in the whole wide world.


In ruma Kakapo we have a Kakabro. If you a really good to Mrs Rehmann she might pick you to take him home. His name is Kakabro. Kakabro is cool. I will read to him.


Kakapo is awesome, and he is in ruma kakapo. His name is Kakabro. Kakapo is green and he likes to read books like reading about kakapo.


Kakabro, I want to take you home because I want to show you the
basics of land and air vehicles.
It is very simple. Just listening is the most important bit, that’s all.


On Thursday we got a Kakapo. It is a bird. We named him Kakabro and his birthday is on the 19th March. When Kakabro comes to myhouse we will play pirates. Kakabro is a friend to me. When Kakabro’s birthday comes he will turn 9.


Kakabro is cool and he always has a smile on his face. We like Kakabro. He is awesome. We have fun. We like to read to him. He is the best Kakabro in the whole wide world.


We have a kakapo in our classroom.
He is awesome. I am going to play
Monopoly with him. He will be cool.
I hope I get him next.


Kakabro is in ruma kakapo. Kakabro is green with black eyes and a yellow beak. He is awesome. When it is my turn I will read to him my book “Puppy Pugsley”.


In ruma kakapo we have a kakapo called Kakabro. He likes to read books about kakapo. Kakabro is green with a little yellow beak. He wears a black singlet and some boots. Do you think the boots are awesome?


On Thursday we got a teddy named Kakabro in our class. Every day one kid from our class takes him home. He is 8 years old and green. His birthday is on Thursday 19th of March 2009. We found him in the school fair boxes.


On Thursday ruma Kakapo got a Kakapo bird.
His new class is ruma Kakapo. He is a great
member to us. He is named Kakabro. He
wears a sweatband. He looks fluffy.
Kakabro is green and has a yellow beak. Kakabro
wears a black jersey.


In our class we have a friend called Kakabro. I can’t wait until I get him. He is green and he has a black jacket and a yellow beak. When get him I am going to play with him with my dollhouse and listen to my music .


Kakabro is green and fluffy. Everyday Kakabro goes home with someone from ruma kakapo. He likes for people to read him books. When I get to take him home I’m going to play on the slide in my room and the jolly jumper. I’m going to listen to music with him. Kakabro looks cute with big eyes and he’s soft.


On Thursday we got a Kakapo. His name is Kakabro. He is cool. He likes to play with toys. His birthday is on Thursday the 19th of March. When I get to take him home I’m going to make him and kiwi friends.


In ruma kakapo we have a green bird called a Kakabro. It is a special bird to me. I like it because he has cool clothes. He has a sweat band. There is a black jersey on him. He likes to read.


Kakabro has a sweat band. He is cute and cuddly. He is green and he’s soft. Everyday he gets to go home with someone. When I get to take him home we will play lots of games and we will have fun.


On Thursday 19th March we found a Kakapo in the school fair boxes and bags. Kakabro is awesome and exciting. Everyone is excited when they take him home. Kakabro likes to read bird book lots. He also likes to play. When I take him home I’m going to read to him and play. I’ll let him play with teddies that I have at home.


Kakabro is cute and he loves reading heaps. His birthday is on 19th March. He is cool and awesome. He likes to read ‘Captain Underpants’ books. He likes the class too.


On Thursday we got a kakapo. His name is Kakabro. I like to play games with him, and we all go on the slide and swing. I would like to read and play board games. He is green. He has a yellow beak. When I get Kakabro I will play on the swing.


On Thursday we got a mascot which is a kakapo. We named it Kakabro. Every night he goes home with someone different. Kakabro likes to read and play. When I get to take him home I am going to play buzz and snap and let him meet my teddies. Kakabro is green and has a yellow beak.


When I get to take him home I will teach him how to play on the computer and the play station two and the play station one too. We got him on Thursday the 19th of March. His name is Kakabro. He is 8 years old. He is cool.

Kakapo Stories

Read the stories about our little soft toy Kakabro. We would love to read your comments.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Welcome to Term 2!

Ruma Kakapo Newsletter
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
I hope that you and your child had a nice relaxing Easter break, and that they are re-charged for a new term of learning.

This term we will be learning about Waimate through the inquiry process. The topic is My community Waimate – what does it mean to be a member of the Waimate community? We will be looking at what kind of services and community organisations there are in Waimate, and what clubs the children are part of. This fits into our Big Idea ‘Identity’ this year.

Our little Kakapo soft toy has been on holiday with me. He goes home with a different child each day. We now have a book to record Kakabro’s adventures, and a Kakapo book to read to/with him. I hope your child enjoys their time with Kakabro when it is their turn. Watch this space for Kakabro's adventures.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Welcome to Ruma Kakapo - Term 1 2009

It is great to start this new school year with 24 bright-eyed and eager children in Ruma Kakapo.
There are 17 Year 4 and 7 Year 3 children.