Thursday, May 16, 2013

Take Five

Take five
I went to the library to find a treasure chest with a candle on top. So I opened it up. It had pink crystals in it so I told them to come and look at it. So they grabbed some of them and felt it. But I knew that it was my stuff so people put them back.


  1. hi benny
    liked the way you said that you went to the library and found a treasure chest.
    From Angus

    1. Thanks for the comment Angus.
      But is there any thing that you want
      to say thats really interesting thats fine?
      I like that comment Angus you're my top ten best
      freind.I liked the way how you describe you're comment.
      From Benny Boy. :)

    2. Thanks Benny boy
      Your allowed to do any thing on my post.
      It is fun to talk about different things.

      From Angus.
