Thursday, June 20, 2013

Globi likes to ...

Globi likes to scoff pizza, pet puppys and shot guns.

Globi  likes to skip in the park, grab butterflys and play on his MGP scooter.

by Carly and Mercedes


  1. Who is Globi? he sounds cool. Ryan.T & Mickey.J

  2. Hi Ruma Kakpo,
    Whiy is your dlog Ruma Kakpo? ;)
    Chakie.H ;)& Jack.s
    Weston Parck Primarry ;)

  3. To Mercedes and Carly,
    Making up the rest of a sentence sounds like fun.Was it fun doing that activity?
    From Natalia

  4. Hi Carly and Mercedes,
    Who is Globi?
    Where does he come from?
    What does he look like?
    Is Globi a boy or a girl?
    did you make him?
    Is he real or imaginary?
    From Abbey

  5. hi mercedies& carly,
    Who is Globi. He/Her sounds very fun.
    Is he/her real or made up?
    If he?her is real I would like to meet it!
    From Jess

  6. Hi Fellow friends carly and mercedes,
    one very important thing I would love to know is, who is Globi? can you please explain to me what does it look like what does it sound like. Describe him more please.I love your comment it was really great.
    lots of love chloe

  7. Hi
    Theirs one thing i want to know who's globi.
    He sounds realy awesome i realy want to know who he is

    Joshua S

  8. Hello,
    So your wondering who globi is? Globi is a teddy from switzialand he is one of our class room mascots.
    from Carly & mercedes Benny boy :)

  9. Hi everyone thnak you for your comments.
    Globi is our class mascot. he is a teddy.

  10. Hi this is Weston I like to play on a my mad gear pro to do you like doing tale wisp on yours? also witch make I have got I have got a mpg ninja which has my name cut in it !. Jack S
