Monday, June 17, 2013

Timmy and Tommy's new book

''Timmy! I got a new book,'' called Tommy.
''Oooooohhhhh yay! What is it?'' asked Timmy.
''The unknown egghead,'' answered Tommy.
''It's time to read I guess Timmy''
''Okay. Let's sit down."
"Alright," said Tommy.

"The unknown egghead.
One day, a girl named Sera read an instruction on how to make a friendly egghead.
"That sounds interesting," She said. So she read the instructions carefully, and made a friendly egghead.
"I'm gonna call you Steve!"

That night, when Sera went to bed, the egg came alive! Steve had a evil looking face drawn on him, then he whispered, "How do I get outta here?" a window was left open. Steve spotted the open window, hopped out of his little socket and on to his little, stubby legs. He waddled over to the window and jumped out without a single crack in his shell.

The next morning, Sera was horrified to find her socket empty. "I have to find Steve!" she panicked. So Sera ran into the nearby forest to find Steve.

Three days later, Mr Mason was delivering the papers, when all of a sudden, he realised, that Sera wasn't outside her house. She always was. Mr Mason never found out why. No one did. But....... Some people believe that they saw a walking, talking egghead.

The end?

"I wonder what happened to Sera" said Timmy
"I'm not sure. We will never know." said Tommy

Will they ever find out? Who knows! Oh I forgot to say my line. Now where was I? Oh yeah.
The end.
Was that a good ending?


  1. Hi Jelia

    Your story is very funny and intresting! I love the words you have used they are very powerfull witch makes your story sound better.
    What is your favirte paragraph? Is this the only story that you have written?

    Destiny B and lara E

    Weston Park Primary

  2. Hi West Thorten ,Weston Park loved your idea of the picture cube. by Jack S

  3. That story is very funny.I love the words you used and you used speech marks when somebody is talking and you used elipses.

  4. Hi I'm Noah from Mount Annan Christian College,

    I loved the story you wrote, it was interesting and had lots of descriptive words.
    I'd loved to read another story, please put up another story on the blog

    From Noah :)
