Tuesday, June 18, 2013


In New Zealand, most people celebrate Matariki. Matariki is the Maori new year.

Some thing's you can do to celebrate Matariki are:
Learn to weave and flax
Make and fly  kites
Share family stories
Learn about the land
Gather fish and kai moana

Matariki is a group of seven, Called a constellation. You can see them thirty minutes before dawn.

Matariki has three names. They are seven sisters, Subaru and Pleiades but it might have more, we don't know.
Matariki is a group of seven it is made up of 500 but we can only see six or seven. That is because sometimes the 7th one goes behind another one.

It starts late May or early June and it ends late April.

Next week our school's kapa haka group is going to the Matariki festival. I am one of the people who are going to Matariki.

One year my grandma and I went out looking for the seven sisters
at dawn. We couldn't find them because they were out the north side of the house. When we looked out the south, west and east side
of the house.

Do you know any other constellations in England?

By Emily


  1. To Emily

    Matariki is a good celebration. They are some good ways to celebrate Matariki. Lepus the hare,Canis major the big dog,Taurus the bull,Canis minor the little dog and Orion the hunter these are some of are constellations.

    Kane.H and Alex.T : )
    Weston Park Primary School

    1. Hi Kane and Alex
      Thanks for the wonderful comment.
      What is your favourite constellation?

      From Emily

    2. To Emily

      Our favorite constellation is Orion The Hunter. Normally you can see the Orion The Hunters belt it is 3 stars in a row.

      Kane.H and Alex.T : )

  2. WOW! What a nice explanation of Mataraki

    By Kris
    From London

    1. To Kris
      Thanks for the WOW! comment.

  3. To Emily,

    We learnt loads of things from you and we would one day like to come and visit and celebrate Matariki. Also it sounds fun and we hope you had a good time celebrating it. Constellations in England are Aries, Leo and Taurus. It would be great if you said more about why you celebrate Matariki.

    From: Sophiha and Amber

  4. Hi Emily I have learnt a lot from your blog post. We have a few constellation, here is few, cancer, Ara, Coluumba.

    By Caroline and Lesley
    West Thornton Primary Acadeny

  5. Dear Emily,

    We have learnt about the festival, Matariki. We would like to hear more about what things you do in celebration. We would to celebrate Matariki and we it is enjoyable, also a constellation is Aries.

    From: Celesty and Abbas
    West Thornton Primary Academy,

  6. to Emily

    I love Matariki. I think the red and
    the blue stand out

    From your BFF AIMEE!

  7. dear emily,

    very good on your puncuation. i like how you actually told me about the whole festival what you do there. great explanation i have never been to a Matariki i have a question for you

    is fun at a Matariki? from elizabeth in 5z
