Monday, June 17, 2013

How to make a Friendly Egghead

How to make a Friendly Egghead.

What you need:

1 egg
potting mix
felt pens of your choice
grass seeds
empty egg carton
2 teaspoons

What to do:

1. Cut the top off your egg carefully. Then with one of the teaspoons, scoop out the yolk.
2. Wash the inside of the egg out.
3. With your felt pens, draw a face on your egg.
4. Grab the empty egg carton. Then cut out one socket off the carton.
5. With the other teaspoon, scoop the potting mix into the egg about 3/4 full. Do this step outside, it can get a bit messy.
6. Take a pinch of grass seeds from your packet, then sprinkle them into your egghead.
7. Swivel your finger gently around inside the egg to get some seeds into the potting mix properly. Remember to wash your hands after.
8. Give your seeds a little bit of water. Remember to water your egg a little once each day.
9. Place your egg in the socket. Then in a spot with lots of sunlight.
10. Over the days, your egghead should grow hair.


  1. thats a really good story i triyd it and it exodid.

    from daniel

  2. Hi Jelia

    I like your instructions about how to make a friendley egg head. You have set it out well and carefully.

    Destiny B and Lara E

    Weston Park Primary School

  3. Your instructions are clear and they make sense. We especially like when the egghead grows hair. It looks funny.
    You could show how the friendly egghead looks like when it has grown hair.

    Aathethiyaa and Koyinsola
    West Thornton Primary Academy
